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+Persona Fiend+

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Posts posted by +Persona Fiend+

  1. Does it/should it count as a boss character if...oh, say you are playing Street Fighter III: Third Stike on Xbox Live, and you have a match against a top ten ranked player (out of 40K registered players, from what I understand)? Do they HAVE to play GILL (the normal boss character from arcade mode)? A lot of the people I play online are a lot harder than the original boss character.

    I guess what I am saying here, should anyone pay attention, is that online gamers sometimes seem harder than the BOSS counterparts of the very games being referenced. Anyones feelings, here?!

  2. I just bought Guilty Gear X2 #Reload and I-No at the end of arcade mode is a real bitch for people just getting into the GG series. Probably the hardest fighting game boss I personally have ever fought. In story mode, though, she's a breeze.

    Oh, and I got the hell smashed out of me in the first encounter in Saga Frontier 2 also.

  3. Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is.

    Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company.

    Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT!

    Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter.

    I think I remember fighting that bastard. Your story about fighting him portrays the hideous agony that is fighting him.

    I still couldn't help but laugh my ass off at the memory of what sad boss that was.

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