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Posts posted by Adam_Slight

  1. I've thought about this before (and it doesn't just apply to RPGs) - but what makes a lot of the Snes games great?

    I think it has to do with their limitations. While new games are great, they're great for different reasons...probably for what they -can- do. Older games are often great (and remain with our consciousness) because of what they lack, and subsequently what gaps we have to fill in with our imaginations. Do you ever notice how our conceptions of classic game characters often differ from promotional game-art etc? I think a level of gamer subjectivity exists with old games that lacks in newer games.

  2. Hey,

    This summer I completed 2 short films that I was thinking of submitting into film festivals. I thought what better way to test audiences than to ask you guys what you think.

    http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=5AhD3ho7k7Y&fmt=18: This one is called "The Cosmic Shuffle". Its about two strangers who fall in love because of the songs they hear on their Ipods. Its about 5 minutes.

    http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=uzYXQNFzMhk&fmt=18: This one is called "The Legacy of Featherfoot". Its a pretty straight-forward fantasy/adventure story. I'll have to admit its loosely based off of Legend of Zelda. The film was almost completely inspired by the music of Wind Waker. This reflects in the music which is all original. Its also about 5 minutes long.

    Give it a look, I'd like to hear feedback

  3. I just want to say that this game seemed break a lot of ground (for video games and for the mario franchise). It is absolutely clear in this game that video games can be considered art. There were so many times that the grace and choreography of the game (mixed with the amazing music) blew my mind. This is also the first Mario game that I ever considered Mario to be "cool" and not just a goofy plumber. As for Bowser and Bowser Jr., I thought they finally seemed pretty badass by the end battle. Even Bowser's goofiness had a cool edge to it. This game is very dramatic and I just can't put it down (or get the songs out of my head).

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