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silenced wisdom

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Posts posted by silenced wisdom

  1. Hello all you new people and welcome to the forums.
    it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all

    Welcome back.

    If you don't think your works are up to the OCR or VGMix snuff, then the fine folks at OverLooked ReMiX would be happy to hear your shit. Their submission guidelines are pretty lax as far as quality is concerned.

    The thing is...I recorded some of my music from Megaman6 that I played on the guitar and I have an awesome way of adding others and stuff...I mean all this stuff in my head but can't put it into context without failing miserably.....unfortunately in those six months I was out my PC crashed once more and lost all that. but I'll try since I play sax and Guitar but I am better with the sax than the guitar....I want to meld them but can't cuz I only had the trial version of fruity loops.(can't save)

  2. it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all

  3. I guess I should introduce myself. You may wonder why my post count is so low for a guy who joined almost 3 years ago, so I'll tell ya. The reason I joined was because I wanted to hear the WIP's because I thought it was pretty cool listening to how remixes developed.

    I've been playing video games since I was a baby. The first game I beat was Super Metroid, I think. I am a Nintendo supporter, not fanboy, but I have more games on my PS2 than GC. I'm 16, and almost out of my sophmore year in High School!!

    That's odd.....i'm 16 and almost out of my junior year in HS...i didn't skip or anythin.... well hi anyway...

  4. wow didn't follow any of it when i joined cuz i went straight for Unmod. Pure stupidity... :?

    So did I, more or less. I ventured down there about a day or two after I joined. Didn't do much lurking and now look what I've become.

    Anyway, welcome all new people to OCR. Enjoy your stay.

    That's one thing we have in common..cept i went straight to unmod after half an hour lookin around. not a few days..Eagerness is bad..Curiosity is worse.....wonder if i should make that part of my sig..hmm 8)

  5. Considering the recent influx of newcomers starting threads to announce their arrival to OCR, I thought perhaps having one thread where newbie’s could come in and introduce themselves rather than cluttering up this forum with random “Hi I’m new” threads would be more efficient.

    This may be a dumb idea but I figured I’d give it a shot and maybe new members that are a little afraid to post a new topic will feel more at ease saying hello in a thread dedicated to such things.

    So post say hello and little about yourself. Oh and..



    For a little more information on the do’s and don’ts see below. Any other questions be sure to let us know!

    A few pointers:

    - Please don’t make a “What’s your top X OCR mixes” or some such thread please. There was a great write up somewhere as to why such threads are discouraged but I’m too lazy to find it now, if any one has it linkage please.

    - Don’t ask for roms, illegal mp3’s and the like. Especially in GenDisc

    - Don’t post porn or offending images in GenDisc

    -(subliminal) Send me $5

    - If you are brave a.k.a. psychotic, disturbed, or just plain foolish enough to visit UnMod please read this. I kid it’s not so bad, but be forewarned some threads aren’t work or school safe.

    - Take the time to look around and become familiar with the place( different personalities and such). Going on a posting spree your first day here rarely gives the desired results.

    - Please don’t start a thread on any little topic that crosses your mind, nothing in the rules that says you can’t but some people here take exception so do so at your own risk.

    -(subliminal) Send me $5

    -If in UnMod and you see a troll or a ridiculous topic your best course of action is to simply ignore it. By responding you are doing nothing more than giving them more fuel in which to post more garbage. Remember, when you bump a useless thread another valuable one may end up being forced off the first page.

    -Copycatting: This usually occurs when one person posts a topic and then others seem to think it’s funny to create multiple “copycat” threads. This often leads to a flood of similar (bullshit) threads eating up the first page while other valuable threads get pushed off and sometimes forgotten. This is usually just a phase and dies down quickly but it serves as a major annoyance to many people at the same time. Please for the love of Aphrodite do not partake in such activities and do yourself a favour and simply don’t respond.

    Here are a few of the topics here in the Newbie/Tech Help Forum that may answer some of your initial questions:

    How to post a picture or signature : courtesy of endblink

    OCR Quirks: courtesy of The Coop

    Attention forum newbies: Posting Tutorial and BBcode: courtesy of Gorveg

    Well that's all for now. Take care and Welcome to OCR :wink:

    wow didn't follow any of it when i joined cuz i went straight for Unmod. Pure stupidity... :?

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