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Posts posted by paperCrane

  1. When I first started listening to this track it reminded me of Blue Orb (and other tracks) from the Katamri Damacy games. Once the whistling came in it took me a bit to place the song, but I immediately let out a cry of delight when I realized it was from Gitaroo Man. It's one of my favorite rhythm games (even though it's short-ish) and it's about time we had some mixes from it on OCR.

    I agree with djp about the production. It all seems part of the experience and aesthetic of the song. Very indie and heartfelt. This definitely goes on my short list of OCR favorites.

  2. Most of DJP's mixes pull me in but this one definitely sits up there with Love Hurts and Fortuna Favors the Funk for me. Great rhythms, great playing, great sound. I especially love it when the bells come in. The combination of the bells with the rhythm guitar and everything else at that point makes for a very rich sound that still feels very laid back and approachable. I also have to agree with the other posts that the drums have a lot of nuance and fit the jazz theme perfectly.

    Check it out, and don't miss out on the great Funk mixes that DJP has done as well.

  3. The OCRemix site has for quite a while now used DHTML to replace content on the remix pages when you click on a tab. This is all well and good but the href="#" for these links makes your browser (or at least Firefox) go back to the top of the page. I find this quite annoying as I often scroll down and then have to scroll down again after I click a tab. I asked for this to be fixed when it was first introduced but heard nothing.

    Today I wrote up a simple Greasemonkey script to replace those naughty hrefs with javascript:void(0) to stop the jumping back to the top of the page. The status bar text is a bit uglier, sure, but at least it no longer jumps to the top on a click:

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name OCRemix # removal
    // @namespace [url]http://www.reversefold.com/[/url]
    // @description Remove OCRemix's # links for tabs
    // @include [url]http://www.ocremix.org/remix/*[/url]
    // ==/UserScript==

    var allLinks, thisLink;
    allLinks = document.evaluate('//a[@href="#"]',
    for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.snapshotLength; ++i) {
    thisLink = allLinks.snapshotItem(i);
    for (var j = 0; j < thisLink.attributes.length; ++j) {
    if (thisLink.attributes[j].nodeName == "onclick"
    && thisLink.attributes[j].value.substr(0, 13) == "highlightTab(") {
    thisLink.href = "javascript:void(0)";

  4. I love this one almost as much as Love Hurts. Perhaps more. Heck, I'll just say that I like them both equally. I love the great rhythms in this song and just the overall funky-spacey feel. I was a little disappointed, though, that the off-beat 16th notes stopped after only a few plays at the beginning. It confused me for a bit as I wasn't sure if I'd heard them correctly or not the first time through.

  5. This mix has really withstood the test of time for me. When I first heard it I was hooked. I have since listened to it many, many times and shared it with others and it still takes me for a ride every time.

    The clocks and time management clips really ground this mix with the source game (it's all about time, after all) and the ethereal/other-worldly quality of the mix is enhanced nicely by the astral projection clip.

    The clock sample beats are a real cool effect and tie the piece together very well.

    The samples sound great and make this mix a wonderful trance-fest. A longer mix (perhaps live?) would be great for coding. This mix is by no means boring, though, with its samples and effects moving throughout the piece in the ways of the truly great trance mixes.

    The samples from the game are also a very nice touch, reminding me of the hours I spent in high school, sitting in front of my friend's SNES, playing through all of the endings in this great game.

    Did I mention that I love this mix? :-)

  6. I'm all for JavaScript and the tab interface. It's a great thing. However, could you please not use a blank anchor as the href? I really don't like my pages to jump back to the top when I click a tab. When I'm really loading a new page it's ok, but when you're using JS that simply should not happen. A viable alternative: href="javascript:void()" or, if you really want an anchor, put an anchor just above the tabs and use that anchor name.

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