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Posts posted by Panz3rWolfe

  1. Wow, I just picked up episodes 15 through 25 today and I have to say this is one of the best things to happen to the community period. I loved listening to the show and feeling like I related to everything you guys were talking about, even though they were from like two months ago (Its all good.) Anyways yeah, just thought I'd say keep up the good work, and you've got a dedicated listener in me now. Oh and Btw, Pixie did a great job in the few episodes she was in, 019 was quite memorable. Whatever, awesome, keep it up.

  2. Seriously, just go to Morse's site, he's got all sorts of great stuff there. I've been listening to this great mix for at least a month or two before it got released here, the same with Watermelon. I'm not surprised at all that these pieces are having little trouble making it onto OCR. One last thing, JM and Po! should just form a team or something already, its fairly obvious they'd have alot of success.

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