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  1. Hey, many apologies if this has already been covered (and I think this is the best place to say it, seeing so much good info) ....In SH2, at Neely's Bar, there's that spraypaint that says "There was a HOLE here, but now it's gone"....and that's also where the first mention of Joseph Schreiber is (the article in the apartments) along with many notes left behind (either Harry, being a writer himself, or Joseph for other reasons)...in SH4 there's the hole usage and explanation....and more about Joseph Schreiber using those holes to get to Silent Hill. ....call me dumb again, but obvious connection between the two? If not, then what?... I love the conversations I've seen about SH2 and why people are there....everyone is making their own Hell...both their punishment and their victims...good stuff. Much thanks -Willum
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