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Posts posted by bartle

  1. That reminds me. Anybody know of any bands or artists that sound similar to Akira Yamaoka's rock/piano/trip-hop songs? I love the albums a great deal, but I'm very unfamiliar with that area of music. Outside of remixes, I can't get any new medicine for my fix.

    "Heaven's Night/Alone in the Town" has been finding it's way into most of my mellow playlists these days.

  2. I always thought that with the snow in SH1, it showed some sort of supernatural force at work, ie. how supposedly when a ghost or supernatural entity is around, the tempurature drops rapidly etc.

    And yeah, I would love it if they brought snow back. I wish they had somewhat in SH3, it would have been fitting, out of any SH games where it would happen again.

    I remember someone theorizing that the snow in SH1 is actually ash from the fire seven years before and manifested like everything else by Alessa.

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