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Everything posted by ArKane22

  1. I´m still working on it so i´ll change the link when the new version is finished (lol i forgot about the download limit )
  2. Thanks! I´m also a beginner at EQing, in fact some other mixes i made were rejected mainly because of that. I´ll work to make a better bass sound. What do you mean exactly with "dodgy" when you talk about the snare drum?
  3. Hello, long time no see. I have made a remix of my favourite Sonic theme, Chemical Plant Zone. There are tons of mixes out there but i´ve tried to retain the original spirit while adding some more beef to it. The style is more or less the same as the original, techno/electronica (or whatever it is ). http://rapidshare.com/files/233585451/chemicalFactory.mp3.html tell me what you think about it, what would you change? I´m pretty pleased with it (specially from 2:20 to 4:14) except for the ending, which seems a bit rushed but i can´t come up with something better. EDIT: (I´ve just realised that i posted in the wrong forum u_u, there´s a feedback subforum)
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