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Evil Noob

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  1. Yes that's one part of it. The other part was just my curiosity why does it work in that way Tnx.
  2. Look, I have a first note that is 12 steps long, and starts on the 1st step. 2nd note, 4 steps long, starts on 4rd step. I use FL preset sound Strings->STR_GTF_C1 (non looped bass sample with a slow decay). When I play that track with Cut Itself ON the 2nd note simply cuts the previous one and I only hear the 2nd note. When I turn OFF Cut Itself, 2nd note sums with the sound of the previous, making it all louder. So again I turn ON Cut Itself, but also I set my own ADSR setting in the Channel Setting->INS->VOL. I set min att, min hold, min dec, max sus, min rel (so sound is heard only during the duration of the note). When I play that track again, the sounds are summed (louder) and I hear the 1st note playing after the 2nd note. Is this more clearer now?
  3. Can someone explain why should I interpolate at the END of producing if I'm using 44.1khz sounds and mixing into 44.1khz? Interpolation is only good when upsamling right?
  4. OK. New question: why doesn't cut/cut by (Cut Itself generally) work when I modify adsr setting for volume? I set the smallest release (cut makes a adsr to go to release) and the note isn't cut.
  5. I asked for other way cuz I like using the Time multiplicator and stretching (in sampler) on the whole beat when adjusting tempo rather then using slicer (still a noob) when adjusting tempo... Slicer tutorial anyone?
  6. If I have a sampled beat that is something like "kick kick snare hat" is there a way by using cut/cut by or similar that doesn't inculade automating (like automating volume) and avoiding slicer?
  7. I've noticed that every note is +100 cents different than note before it, so is there a way to make that range different (i.e. every note is +20) or do I need to change with a knob manually for ewvery note? Also can I make slides (or Misc->Polyphonly->Slide) change +20 or -30 cents?
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