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Posts posted by cyberseth

  1. Hey guys, I'm doing a bit of research for a musicians' website that I am starting up. I've been a keen listener and fan of the OCRemix community for the past couple of years. I've often felt there is something missing on the Internet for social networking of musicians and the distribution of knowledge in teaching and learning music and playing instruments but I want to get some feedback before I go down this avenue.

    If you've got 5 minutes spare I would be ever so grateful if you could fill in my little questionnaire I've put together. It will just allow me to know what direction to take the features of my website in as I start on this venture over the course of this year.


    Thanks guys!


  2. I was just listening to David Arkenstone's album "Celtic Chill Out" on Spotify and spotted this bizarre similarity.

    Listen to the track here on Spotify from 01:08...


    And then the Heroes Of Might & Magic IV soundtrack from 05:38...


    Is it a blatant copy? Same author? Or did they just both use the same sample library?

  3. Twas this song that introduced me to the site (searching for FFX remixes), and who could think of a better introduction! The ambience is chilling yet, breathtaking, the rhythm and syncopation with the 6/4 beat grab your attention, while pixietrix counters the warm bass pads with a refreshing vocal that never grows old on you.

    I also really love the subtle celtic instruments from People of the Far North, just remarking every now and then with the melody, in such a way that you wonder "Was it there or not?" and before your mind grabs it, it's gone.

    If there's any part that I would change, it's when Jill sings the two notes a single tone apart on the words "side" and "died". Not that they wouldn't work, but it sounds like they ought to resolve, or maybe it just needed to be a bit tighter with the rhythm and tuning to get the full effect.

    I'm interested to know how you guys collaborated on this song, what the process was, did you meet up or exchange WAVs over the internet, etc etc.

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