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Posts posted by action

  1. I'm bored, so I'm writing reviews for some OC Remixes. So without further ado, here we go. :)

    Disclaimer: This review is my OPINION. You are free to agree or disagree, but flaming is unacceptable

    Remix: OCR01235 - Mega Man X2 Beamsabre Beat ZEROv2

    ReMixer: DarkeSword

    iTunes Playlist: Mega Man OC Remix

    Musical/Mechanical Factor: 8/10

    Musically, this piece is pretty good. The layovers of the different songs really stuck out in my mind; they all fell together and worked nicely. However, some of the transitions seemed pasted together and didn't seem to fit together perfectly.

    Beat/Rhythm Factor: 7/10

    The beat fits the music quite well, and I must say it's rather catchy. On the other hand, it's simplistic and repetitive. It's not extremely strong and doesn't seem to stick out in any special place. All it does is keep the beat going at the same speed, which is sufficient, but not extraordinary.

    Originality Factor: 8/10

    I especially liked the part at 1:50 with the sound effects and voice overs. In addition, I liked the laying over of the different tracks from X1 to X3. They fit together nicely and I say they sounded good together.

    True to the Original Factor: 9/10

    Song designs were correct and nothing was altered. It seems that song speeds were drastically altered just to make them fit with each other, which is why it got -1 point.

    Freakin' Sweet Factor: 10/10

    I really had a lot of fun listening to this song. Even though it's rather simple, it's got a good beat beneath it. It's easy to listen to and quite catchy.

    Overall: 42/50

    Pretty cool song. Megaman X fans will most likely dig the beat and the fact that it's a Zero-based song. Non-X fans may or may not like it as much, but it's a well-put-together song. This is one of my favorite Megaman Remixes and it's definitely worth every second of downloading. If you're on 56k and you're intent on making the most of your time, this is definitely a song to get.


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