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Posts posted by ReMiX

  1. I'm sure just about any General MIDI sound bank soundfont would work. It won't sound exactly like it, but it will be close. Do a search for the Unison soundfont; the marimba and banjo in particular sound very close to the sounds used in the Banjo games.

    Thanks so much, I'll look into that...

    And to the poster above, my bad for not being more clear that i was talking about Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie for the Nintendo 64. Unless it was a joke... Then lol :D

  2. Got my ps2 a bit ago and im really digging it.. I own/borrowed

    MDK2 (pretty good, not as good as 1 though IMO)

    Final Fantasy X (borrowed, for some reason, i dislike it, but i love 6-9)

    Metal Gear Solid 2 (love this game, recently finished 1 as well on cube)

    Metal Gear Solid 3 (havent gotten far, but starting it up again)

    God Of War (love this game, getting my own copy soon)

    Jak and Daxter (HATE it, but i love crash bandicoot (same company))

    Thinking of getting:

    Ratchet and Clank 1-3 (played a bit, was fun)

    Klonoa 2 (LOVED the first)

    Street Fighter Anthology (love these games)

    Okami (never played, supposbed to be fiya)

    Resident Evil 4 (own 1-CV except this one and 0, looks hott)

    Any other suggestions/opinions? I'm willing to go for those "unpopular games" as well

  3. And others just waited for something of interest to appear on the front page of Gen Dis that they wanted to post in. Not everyone left ;)

    The problem is that a good number of the staff members didn't see the point in UnMod, because they rarely took part in it. For all the projects and "fads" that took place in there, I believe I rarely ever saw a mod's name pop up, or a judge's or an admin's. While some on this site were having fun, others just turned up their noses to it. Few on the staff seemed to want to take part in it, and few seemed to want to see what kept bringing people back to UnMod. So, we had various members of the staff put those taking part in it down, and consider the whole thing not worth checking out. Not many on the staff publicly stood up for UnMod and what went on in it, so a sense of disdain from the staff towards the so-called "UnModders" grew, and that sense was returned. Personally, I don't think half the drama between UnMod and the staff would have existed if they'd just taken part in the place, instead of opting to mock it.

    I think the real shame here, is that a lot of fun things took place in UnMod... things that couldn't have been done in Gen Dis. Anyone and everyone could take part in them if they chose to, and since you didn't have to worry about keeping it family friendly, that gave people a lot more freedom to be creative. That's something that a lot of people are going to miss. It was a place to do things that couldn't be done elsewhere on the site, and not have to tone it down. It's true that some abused that concept, but others used it in good ways. I guess now we're learning more about who only saw UnMod for the former part, and not the latter one.

    For someone like myself, its disheartening to see a part of this site I've enjoyed for well over four years get brought to end as it did, and to see people on both sides act as they have towards one another.


  4. This is probably one of the best Remix's on this site (and trust me i've heard A LOT of them). It reminds me alot of k-os's song Sunday Morning mixed with Final Fantasy and Zelda. This song really pumps me up and never gets stale. The only part I wished was better would be the ending because it could of used more of a rap up then the fade out treatement. The quality is top notch and has actually re-sparked my interest in OC ReMix's again. Great work. Now do Banjo Kazooie... :P

  5. It's late, I've had about 2 hours of sleep and have been hit upside the damn head too much, so here's my two cents...

    2) Jet Stingray (fighting as Zero, MMX4) because the damn game doesn't let you hit the ice attack at a high enough distance, and so you end up getting nailed.

    What are you talking about? He's easy with Zero. Simply stand behind him (same side as him and in the corner) and do the jumping turning slash over and over, when he dives down you should be safe. You can use the Ice Sword once he is in the water, but other than that stay in the corner he is in and destroy the little stingray things if needed. With X on the other hand, :lol:

  6. Ok, new question, might be kind of hard to explain but ok.

    I imported a midi into the piano roll and selected the channels and whatever but on the playlist, can i like choose the "part" of the song I want instead of going to the piano roll and copying the selctive part and going to a new piano roll and doing it all over again. Sorta like how acid they give you the eraser tool and you can "choose" and "edit" the part of the song you want but you still have the original cut.

    If anyone knows? It would save me some time (well like 2 minutes but still is good to know).

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