General Ewok
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odd...i never kept up on the date for the new Katamari. Oh well, I'll get it. It'll be $20 right?
DON'T TAKE THIS AS A AN ASSHOLE APPROACH but Tales Of Symphonia has been $20 for about...7 months I worked at Kroger and there was a Meijer across the street (which i shopped at more than Kroger) and they had it for $20, but I bought Kingdom Hearts instead for $20. Hmmm...maybe i should go pick up Tales now, I finished KH like...a long time ago. Dr. Marius, that's the same game i watched u play on the Gamecube right? EDIT: I REALLY, REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY like peekaboo, but I made a name for it that fits better... Cyborg Ninja! No... I've never played Tales. There's a huge part of me that wants to, and then this other part shouts that I have no way to play the first ones in the Tales series. Maybe eventually. I think you're thinking of Skies of Arcadia. Except the graphics in Tales look much much better, unless you have something against that art style, that and I think it's in 2-d. Like 4 swords was. Speaking of crisp clear 2-d, anyone else seen the trailer for the new Ghouls and Ghosts on the PSP? Finally they're making a portable game for it! I've got a PSP myself, but if you really want to play the good games on it, you may as well stay home and play it, considering you're going to need an hour or two to really have fun with Lumines or Acid (The only games I have for it right now) You're right it was Skies Of Arcadia...but both are $20 so i dont know which one i saw...but the one i saw looked AMAZING when it came to graphics. Speaking of Gamecube graphics, I just finished MGS:The Twin Snakes on the Gamecube and it...is... EPIC. Wow, and i thought that i wouldnt see anything as good as RE4. MGS: TTS has to tie with best Gamecube game in my book right next to Super Smash Bros. Melee This makes me want to play it, but I'm going to be spending what little money I currently have on We <3 Katamari. Curse you Namco. CURSE YOU! [i just realized, I'm actually finishing up Xenosaga tonight to be able to play W<3K tomorrow. Namco...Namco. ARGH!] This may make me sound REALLY stupid...but We Love Katamari is out already?!? I have the first Katamari game and it was amazing. I heard about We Love Katamari from E3 but didnt know it was out. Well, MGS2 Substance and We Love Katamri, here I come
DON'T TAKE THIS AS A AN ASSHOLE APPROACH but Tales Of Symphonia has been $20 for about...7 months I worked at Kroger and there was a Meijer across the street (which i shopped at more than Kroger) and they had it for $20, but I bought Kingdom Hearts instead for $20. Hmmm...maybe i should go pick up Tales now, I finished KH like...a long time ago. Dr. Marius, that's the same game i watched u play on the Gamecube right? EDIT: I REALLY, REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY like peekaboo, but I made a name for it that fits better... Cyborg Ninja! No... I've never played Tales. There's a huge part of me that wants to, and then this other part shouts that I have no way to play the first ones in the Tales series. Maybe eventually. I think you're thinking of Skies of Arcadia. Except the graphics in Tales look much much better, unless you have something against that art style, that and I think it's in 2-d. Like 4 swords was. Speaking of crisp clear 2-d, anyone else seen the trailer for the new Ghouls and Ghosts on the PSP? Finally they're making a portable game for it! I've got a PSP myself, but if you really want to play the good games on it, you may as well stay home and play it, considering you're going to need an hour or two to really have fun with Lumines or Acid (The only games I have for it right now) You're right it was Skies Of Arcadia...but both are $20 so i dont know which one i saw...but the one i saw looked AMAZING when it came to graphics. Speaking of Gamecube graphics, I just finished MGS:The Twin Snakes on the Gamecube and it...is... EPIC. Wow, and i thought that i wouldnt see anything as good as RE4. MGS: TTS has to tie with best Gamecube game in my book right next to Super Smash Bros. Melee
DON'T TAKE THIS AS A AN ASSHOLE APPROACH but Tales Of Symphonia has been $20 for about...7 months I worked at Kroger and there was a Meijer across the street (which i shopped at more than Kroger) and they had it for $20, but I bought Kingdom Hearts instead for $20. Hmmm...maybe i should go pick up Tales now, I finished KH like...a long time ago. Dr. Marius, that's the same game i watched u play on the Gamecube right? EDIT: I REALLY, REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY like peekaboo, but I made a name for it that fits better... Cyborg Ninja!
It's official (not really).. I'm going to burn my house down and when we move, I will make sure I can get high speed internet, because this is some grade "a" horse shit I'm going to have to try out xlink kai until I move to town or college or w/e happens. I got Xlink Kai working and running like it should so, I'm gonna try that out, see if I can stay with that. EDITED 9/16 - FUCK NO I'M NOT GONNA STAY ON XLINK KAI! MY GOD THAT IS SMACKING MYSELF IN THE FACE! Xlink Kai is a disgrace to online gaming (when it comes to dial-up)!
I have very...VERY bad news... I didnt get high speed internet of my own
Apparently it's because we all play Halo 2 so much... He's sick of us screaming curse words at our TVs and saying his name in vain repeatedly, but hell, he can hate me all he wants, I'll never give up my Halo 2... but i know where your commin from Deej.
wow...THE MUSIC OF MY GROIN is bitchin. Prayer is beautiful as well. So far, Bowser is pissed is my favorite. It caught my attention the most because I play guitar. I would love to post the super mario bros. theme but i have no means of recording and it isn't that original...but hell, I could listen to all of these guitar playing prodigies play and I'm happy. After Ada's groove, I wanna check out the mixes they have for FFVII and FFX. Thank you for the invite to the clan, by the way.
Ada as in RE2 and RE4 chick? Sounds interesting. I havent started FF8 yet (I just finished 7 which was epic) but i listened to Moontang and that is amazing. This site IS really sweet. I didn't take Doc that seriously when i first heard about the site, well i kinda did...we used to work at subway together and we listened to Super Smash Live for like 3 months and i thought it was amazing. He told me to check it out and join, i didn't take it seriously, and now i regret it. I missed out on alot havent I? o yeah....my gamertag is "General EWok" for whoever is giving me the invite.
I would like to join the clan! My friend Dr. Marius told me of the clan, the way they play together, AND...I'm not leeching off of all of my friend's high-speed internet anymore, which led me to join multiple clans. I would like to become part of the clan, and how do I start? Can Dr. Marius invite me or what?