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Everything posted by bdftesla

  1. Is anybody out there? Team ocremix is currently in the top 1,800 teams in the world (we're ranked 1,768 currently, to be exact). I personally just broke into the top 13,000 for individual donors. Unfortunately, I will be taking a break from folding and because I'm the only person still folding for our team I expect our ranking will start to tank pretty quickly. The ranking and points are ultimately meaningless, of course. The real point of the whole thing is to hopefully cure some nasty diseases. But I have to admit that watching us climb the ranks over the past 15 years has certainly been fun. If you can, please consider donating some CPU/GPU power to a worthy cause.
  2. IckesTheSane, what hardware are you folding on? You're putting up some impressive numbers!
  3. Bump. I'm now running on 2 CPUs, so I should start moving on up. We're getting close to being in the top 500, not bad guys.
  4. Apparently we were too late. He's gone.
  5. Ah, so that's you. I've seen you around. Yeah, I missed the first Great War, so I was kinda looking forward to getting into GWII. Who knows, it could still happen. There is alot of tension out there... EDIT: I think salami tastes just fine.
  6. I don't believe I know him. It's hard to know everyone in IRON though. It's a pretty big alliance. Oh and by the way; Olrad, a member of your alliance, is going to get his nation deleted in about six hours due to inactivity. If you know him you might want to give him a heads up. I believe some of you are trading with him, so you might lose your trades when he gets deleted. I'm lookin' at you, MarioRPG.
  7. Wow, I didn't realize that there were this many CN'ers on OCR. You guys ever think about opening an embassy with IRON? I'll get you the link to the forums and all that if you're interested. My Nation
  8. 100 WUs completed! ...bump...
  9. Cool. Never tried SETI@home cause I thought it was pointless. But this is actually useful. I'll give it a shot.
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