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  1. I had a very electronic but un-videogame related Christmas. I received: Clothes New Derby Clothes Sax Accessories New Sound System (4 speakers and a PA system) for my band (Woohoo) Kinda bummed that I didn't get a Wii but I expected that. Although, with my new sound system I can start gigging and make enough to buy me one amongst other things. It was a good Christmas for me.
  2. Dude you're right, sorry about that. I forgot that Melzas appears in one of King Snow's dreams where He is ruling a world covered in blood. That's when King Snow decreed that all worship was forbidden and destroyed all of the idols. He then sunk the Lake Shrine by having the seven guardians put a seal on it and divided the crests up.
  3. It's probably translated different from the original Japanese but from what I recall it is that either Septimus or Meia(I think Septimus) discovers that Melzas is a being from space that fell with a meteor that landed in the location of the soon-to-be Lake Shrine. the king orders his subjects to check it out and finds Melzas. It gets hazy from here maybe someone else can help me out but I think the king takes Melzas prisoner and was going to execute him but Melzas appears in his dream and shows the king conquering his enemies. The next day the king makes him his advisor and then people start to worship him in which the Lake Shrine is built to honor and worship him. From there I think people start to slowly stop coming to the shrine for worship and stop praying to him in which he starts entering dreams and terrorizing people into praying to him again, which is where the game starts. Don't quote me on all of that because it's been a little while since I last played and I'm running off of 50 mins of sleep so I'm fuzzy on the details.
  4. Anyone else get the Spirit Wand? I just finished replaying it recently. This time I put forth the effort of collected all 50 gilded falcons. 40 hours of frustration later I FINALLY won at the wheel of fortune game five times thus receiving the final falcon. I had no idea what the Spirit wand did until I saw a YouTube video and then I realized how broken it was. It would have been nice if the spells were made more part of the game play. I never used them unless it was a boss fight and even then I only used the water magic to heal unless it was Melzas. The only way to replenish it was either a rejuvenation square, elixir, or the very rare magic seed (not the item, the glowing orb) so it wasn't like a player could use it whenever. Another small gripe is that Zorgia wasn't really incorporated into the story as much. Here sits Melzas right-hand man and he does nothing the whole game until...(i guess I should do a Spoiler Alert, although I think everyone here has at least played all the way through it but nevertheless SPOLIER ALERT)|He kills Nirude|(END ALERT) which is a little over halfway though the game and then you see him again and kill him. That's it. The Murgg had a bigger role than that. I dunno maybe it's just me. The only other thing minor thing I didn't like about the game was that many of the boss fights were too easy, especially for some of the later bosses. Get the Nava amulet and go fight Wilda, it's a cakewalk. Also (Spoiler Alert) Ronan was really predictable too. (End Alert). Other than those minor things, this is one of my favorite games of all time. As a fan of puzzle games and games with puzzles (like silent hill) I really enjoyed the puzzles in this games. Ranging from easy to excruciating, it was fun to have to actually have to think in an adventure RPG. The soundtrack is excellent (some of my favorites being Kline's Dream, The Child's Dream, The One Who Hates Man) and really fit the surroundings of whatever area you were in. I hate when people write this game off as just another Zelda clone because it really is much more than that. That's like calling Halo a Wolfenstein clone because they are both FPSs. The story is much more adult to be even compared to Zelda anyways. There is no princess to save. Instead you have to kill a false god who really is a being that fell from space and tricked people into making them believe that he was a god. He is now killing his followers so that they will pray to him more, making him remain his power and not be forgotten and fade away (the story is actually way better than that, just a gross simplification for argument sake). Religious figures killing people in cold blood due to their blind fanaticism, Main characters dying, the idea of self-empowerment instead of praying to god(s) (essentially an atheistic game), religion itself, are all themes that Zelda hasn't touched for obvious reasons. The point I'm trying to make is that this game is too unique to be called a clone of something. People need to stop judging games by looking at the box art and playing it for five minutes and actually give them a chance. Whew now that I got that off my chest, I have a question. Is Alundra 2 really a sequel to Alundra or is it like Doki Doki Panic! was to Super Mario Bros. and was really another game that was named Alundra 2 in the US? I haven't played it because I was told it had little to nothing to do with the previous game, that the game play was completely different from the first, and it was an overall terrible game.
  5. is Otakon this week? I don't keep track of conventions since none of them are accessible for me anyways. This weekend works for me. What's the deal with the NYC meetup that baha is trying to get together? when is that taking place?
  6. we need a set gathering date if people are still interested. Any suggestions?
  7. i'll be back in town on monday to join in. are we going to pick classes again, if so then i call hdin and smiter again. is it going to be the same IRC and b.net channels? edit: I third the movement to east
  8. Can I request to move the server to USEast? The economy is more stable, there are more people on so it's easier to find games like baal runs etc., and more people on this forum tend to live over on the east coast as well. edit: What time tonight?
  9. Is the league starting up again with the reset?
  10. you can also leech in an uber lvl game from the irc channel #uswest-uberlevel on the clone server. Ugh, why do they always have to hold a class on how to research on the internet like ever quarter? it's like they think we all have alzheimer's or something. edit: once you reach hell
  11. Hey Guys, Just a quick note; All rares have many other stats to them. I just picked the +skills to identify them easier. Account – OCRMule OCRMule Goldstrike Arch – Gothic bow Haemosu’s Adamant – Cuirass (2x) The Spirit Shroud – Ghost Armor Sazabi’s Mental Sheath – Basinet Ume’s Lament – Grim Wand +2 Sorc Orb Spire of Lazarus – Gnarled Staff Steelclash – Kite Shield Iceblink – Splint Mail Steel Runeword in a Naga Coif of Glory – Helm Heavenly Garb – Light Plate M’avina’s Icy Clutches – Battle Gauntlets Tearhaunch – Greaves Nightsmoke – Belt Rare Heavy Belt Rare Battle Staff +1 Chilling Armor, +1 Fireball OCRMuletwo The Reaper’s Toll – Thresher Moser’s Blessed Circle – Round Shield Rite of Passage – Demonhide Boots (2x)Radament’s Sphere – Ancient Shield Sureshrill Frost – Flanged Mace Tal Rasha’s Lidless Eye – Swirling Crystal Bloodtree Stump w/ Perfect Skull – War Club Rare +2 Bone & Poison Corona +3 Poison & Bone, +2 Revive, +1 Fire Golem, +1 Attract Bone Wand Arm of King Leoric – Tomb Wand Demon Machine – Chu-Ko-Nu The Impaler – War Spear Undead Crown – Crown OCRMulethree Tearhaunch – Greaves Spineripper – Poignard Blackhand Key – Grave Wand Natalya’s Mark – Scissors Suwayyah Bloodletter – Gladius Fleshrender – Barbed Club Cloudcrack – Gothic Sword Blade of Ali Baba – Tulwar Demon’s Arch – Balrog Spear Milabrega’s Robe – Ancient Armor Headstriker – Battle Sword The Meat Scrapper – Lochaber Axe Rare +2 Pally Skill Vortex Shield Steeldriver – Great Maul Griswold’s Heart – Ornate Plate Trang-Oul’s Scales – Chaos Armor Rockstopper – Sallet Rare +1 Sin Ammy OCRMulefour Blood Raven’s Charge – Matriarchal Bow Magnus’ Skin – Sharkskin Gloves Heart Carver – Rondel (2x) Trang-Oul’s Claws – Heavy Bracers Naj’s Circlet – Circlet Natalaya’s Soul – Mesh Boots Magefist – Light Gauntlets (2x) Frostburn – Gauntlets Ginther’s Rift – Dimensional Blade Gloom’s Trap – Mesh Belt Demon Limb – Tyrant Club +2 Necro Skills Eth Balanced Knife Gull – Dagger Spirit Forge – Linked Mail OCRMulefive Culwen’s Point – War Sword Hellmouth – War Gauntlets Wolfhowl – Fury Visor The Vile Husk – Tusk Sword Lava Gout – Battle Gauntlets Aldur’s Advance – Battle Boots Windhammer – Ogre Maul The Iron Jang Bong – War Staff Natalaya’s Soul – Mesh Boots Plague Bearer – Rune Sword Crown of Thieves – Grand Crown Razortail – Sharkskin Belt (2x) Skin of the Flayed One – Demonhide Armor Peasant Crown – War Hat Naj’s Circlet – Circlet OCRMulesix Blade of Ali Baba – Tulwar Heaven’s Light – Mighty Scepter Moonfall – Jagged Star Sureshrill Frost – Flanged Mace Fleshrender – Barbed Club The Gladiator’s Bane – Wire Fleece Dark Adherent – Dusk Shroud Hwanin’s Splendor – Grand Crown OCRMulespecial Rings Angelic Halo – Ring +5 cold, 13% mf Ring Small Charms 15/4 poison Small Charm 50/6 poison +9 to AR Small Charm Grand Charms 7% Faster Run/Walk, 100/6 Poison +1 Bow & Crossbow Skills Jewels +3 str, 6%mf 33% enhanced damage, 9%mf 5-27 fire damage 21 lit, 10%mf +15 Max Damage 12% Enhanced Damage, +4 Min Damage +15 Max Damage (2x) +10 AR, +1 Light Radius, -15% Requirements -15% Requirements Amulets 10% FCR, +3 Resist Rare +2 Summon Skills (Necro) Angelic Wings +2 Fire Skills Crafted Bone Amulet +1 Necro Skills, +5 Min Damage +2 Summon Skills (Druid) Rare +2 Shape Shift +3 Traps 28% mf +3 Shape Shift Account – OCRMule2 OcrRuneMuler (4x) El (7x) Eld (4x) Tir (4x) Nef (4x) Eth (3x) Ith (4x) Tal (5x) Ral (3x) Ort (9x) Thul (4x) Amn (3x) Sol (4x) Shael OCRHRMuler (1x) Ith (1x) Dol (1x) Hel (1x) Lum (3x) Io (2x) Lem (1x) Ist OCRGemMule-X (All Gems Are Pgems) (8x) Diamonds (7x) Amethysts (11x) Sapphires (10x) Topaz (7x) Rubies (12x) Emeralds (11x) Skulls OCRGemMule-Y Pgems (9x) Diamonds (14x) Amethysts (12x) Sapphires (10x) Topaz (11x) Rubies (11x) Emeralds (9x) Skulls Flawless (1x) Diamond (2x) Sapphires (1x) Topaz (2x) Emeralds (1x) Skull I'm thinking about sorting alphabetically or by type next time. Let me know what you guys think; feedback is always good. Happy Shopping!
  12. Hey everyone, Here's the delux edition of the Mule Shopper. I saved some of the lower equipment because I see a lot of people walking around with new characters. There's are almost complete set of Sigon's, Isenhart's, and Berserkers, along with some other good starting equipment for lower lvl characters. On with the list: OCRMule Iceblink – splint mail Coif of Glory – Helm Steelclash – Kite Shield Stealth Plate Mail Wall of the Eyeless – Bone Shield Rare Belt Nightsmoke – Belt Staff of Lazarus – Gnarled Staff Sander’s Superstition – Bone Wand Gull – Dagger Rare Grim Shield Rare Battle Staff OCRMuletwo Radament’s Sphere – Ancient Shield Iceblink – Splint Mail Demon Machine – Chu-Ko-Nu Aldur’s Rhythm – Jagged Star Coldkill – Hatchet Lore Bone Helm Lacerator – Winged Axe Rare Ancient Shield; +2 pally skills Kuko Shakaku – Cedar Bow Rare Nec Coronet +3 Cold skill Tiara Arm of King Leoric – Tomb Wand OCRMulethree The Meat Scraper – Lochaber Axe Griswold’s Heart – Ornate Plate Hand of the Blessed Light – Divine Scepter Skullder’s Ire – Russet Armor +2 Nec Curse Ammy Bloodtree Stump – War Club Milabrega’s Robe – Ancient Armor +1 Fire Skills GC OCRMulefour Berserker’s Headgear – Helm Steelclash – Kite Shield Isenhart’s Case – Breast Plate Berserker’s Hauberk – Splint Mail Witherstring – Hunter’s Bow (2x) Frostburns- Gauntlets Isenhart’s Horns – Full Helm Bverrit’s Keep – Tower Shield Heart Carver – Rondel Spineripper – Poignard Sigon’s Gage – Gauntlets Sigon’s Visor – Great Helm Sigon’s Shelter – Gothic Plate Gull – Dagger Rare Nec Balanced Knife Cleglaw’s Tooth – Long Sword OCRMulefive Ginther’s Rift – Dimensional Blade Plague Bearer – Rune Sword Naj’s Circlet – Circlet Natalya’s Soul – Mesh Boots Hwanin’s Splendor – Grand Crown (2x) Peasant Crown – War Hat Sazabi’s Mental Sheath – Basinet Spirit Forge – Linked Mail Skin of the Flayed One – Demonhide Armor Rite of Passage – Demonhide Boots The Iron Jang Bong – War Staff Immortal King’s Forge – War Gauntlets Aldur’s Advance – Battle Boots The Vile Husk – Tusk Sword (2x) Que-Hegan’s Wisdom – Mage Plate Tal Rasha’s Horadric Crest – Death Mask The Scalper – Francisca OCRGemMule Amethysts 7x Perfect 2x Flawless 1x Normal Diamonds 6x Perfect 2x Flawless Emeralds 7x Perfect 1x Flawless 1x Normal Rubies 7x Perfect 1x Flawless 1x Normal Sapphires 8x Perfect 1x Normal Skulls 5x Perfect 2x Normal Topazes 6x Perfect 2x Flawless 1x Normal OCRRuneMule 1x El 1x Ith 2x Thul 1x Ral 1x Tal 1x Ort 3x Shael 1x Amn 1x Hel 2x Io 1x Lum OCRSpecialMule Rings Angelic Halo 20%lit, 23%mf Amulets (2x) Angelic Wings 10%Fcr, +3 All Resists Rare +2 Summon Nec Ammy +3 Traps +1 Barb Skills, +5 mini damage The Eye of Etlich Rare +1 Pally Skills ammy +2 Offensive Auras Charms (2x) 3% mf 4%mf, 1-3 fire damage 1-6 lit damage, 15/3 poison damage Jewel +16 AR, 10% mf, +15 max. damage
  13. Hey all, Sorry about the late catalog, all I remember I dozing off playing D2 again and then I woke up : ) Anyways here is the Mule Shopper as of March 8th: OCRMule: *Armor: - Sigon’s Shelter – Gothic Plate - Isenhart’s Case – Breast Plate - Berserkers Hauberk – Splint mail - Stealth rune word in a Plate Mail *Helms: - Sigon’s Visor – Great Helm - Coif of Glory – Helm *Gloves - Sigon’s Gage(x2) – Gauntlets * Shields - Steelclash – Kite Shield - Wall of the Eyeless – Bone Shield *Wand/Staves/Sticks - Spire of Lazarus – Gnarled Staff - Sander’s Superstition – Bone Wand *Melee Weapons - Soulflay – Claymore - Spectral Shard – Blade - Gull – Dagger *Amulets/Rings - +1 to barb skills amulet Liquidated: - Dimoak’s Hew - Bardiche - Rare Circlet OCRMuletwo: *Armor -None *Helms - Natalya’s Totem – Grim Helm *Gloves -None *Shields - Radament’s Sphere – Ancient Shield Wands/Staves/Sticks - Arm of King Leoric – Tomb Wand *Melee Weapons - Sword Guard – Executioner’s Sword - Aldur’s Rhythm – Jagged Star - Demon Machine – Chu-Ko-Nu - Coldkill – Hatchet *Amulets/Ring - The Eye of Etlich – Amulet - Rare +1 Paladin Skills amulet with multi resists - 22% Mf ring with 20% lit resist Others: Mf Jewel Thul rune Shael Rune Well that does it for now. Keep up the magic finding!
  14. Bahamut - I've got a tal rune that i'll leave with the mule. What kind of skills do you want on the staff?
  15. Hey all, I thought it would be a good idea to do a daily catalogue of the items. This way people who didn't have time to play can see what's on the mule and place holds, and also so that the community know what's up. As of 3/6/07, 11:35 p.m. PST the mule has the following: Staves/wands/sticks: Arm of King Leoric - Tomb Wand Spire of Lazarus - Gnarled Staff Melee Weapons: Coldkill - Hatchet Ranged Weapons: Demon Machine - Chu-Ko-Nu Shields: Radament's Sphere - Ancient Shield Rings: Nagelring Set Items: * The Disciple Set -Rite of Passage - Demonhide Boots * Immortal King Set -Immortal King's Will - Avenger Guard -Immortal King's Forge - War Gauntlets Items removed from mule: Ume's Lament - Dyne Venom Ward - Dyne +1 Necro Ammy - Liquidated Rare +1 Barb Ammy - Jabe? Chance Guards - Chapel Gull - Chapel That's all for the list tonight. Remember that items are a first come/reserved, first served basis. Let me know if any corrections need to be made (Keep in mind when i did this catalogue).
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