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Posts posted by al-saqr

  1. think there were few off notes in there - make sure your playing is spot on when you do the final take, as the judges won't allow sloppy playing.

    - From what I remember of the original, this is similar but interpretive enough, I think. I don't have the original with me, though, so don't take my word for it.

    - Chessey voice clips from the game generally don't go down well unless they are funny or fit into the track very well indeed

    - Your drum arrangment is VERY boring. Try some more cymbals, rather than just the hats all the time. Also vary up the beat - move the kick drums around a little, and occassionally add another snare or something. Go wild - if this is metal feel free to just go absolutely batshit insane on the drums.

    Ok, I'll try to Come up with a wildly different drum sound and arrangment, I guess I limited myself too much by worrying about the tempo of the song and how it would lock with the bass, and I'll re-review the playing and re-play the parts that have off notes.

    The guitars. Firstly, rarely do you pan so heavily left and right - pan them slightly less. Secondly, they are also very messy - particularly when they first come in. I'm no pro guitarist dude, but I think that tone needs working on. =/

    technically the guitars are the bass distortion.

    allright. are the guitars messy in terms of too much distortion, or is it messsy in terms that it isn't locked with the drums as much as it should?

    thanks for the advice!

  2. hello there!

    Well, it was a loooong journey, but I finally made my first Remix, after, what, a year of trying in vain to get my Keyboard to connect to the computer. I instead decided after buying a bass guitar to try songs that are more metal-oriented, I thought I might try to remix something from Command and Conquer Red Alert 2, there was a song called Grinder.

    I took the general beat of the song, and modified it to come up with something of my own, I hope you like it, but I would like some constructive criticism so I can fix it up.

    Please note that I had only 5 months of practice with a bass guitar as I made this song.


    Facts about the song:

    -- only 2 instruments, bass and drums.

    -- the bass parts were done completely by hand manually timed to the drum.

    -- I suck at coming up with drumbeats.

    One thing I'd like to ask is, do you guys feel that I may have strayed too far from the original song? should I add more of the original beats?

    Also, one thing a friend of mine noticed is that at 2:10 point there is a lot of noise in the recording, even though the process was the same throughout, do you have nay advice on how to deal with this?

    Is the transitioning and arrangement flawed? or do they keep the general feel of the song?

    What sort of changes or fixes would you recommend for this to be worthy of submittal here on OCremix?

    thank you so much in advance, any advice you can give will be very helpful, as this is my first, and I can only learn more from this point on.

  3. Hey there!

    yeah, so I just got the magnificent Cakewalk program,I installed it and started it up.

    Then I discovered something horrible.

    There is no midi output device to hear the songs with.

    I consulted another site, and it tells me that Laptops in general Never have the soundcard needed to play and output MIDI soundtrack.

    Five minutes of cursing and shouting later, I came here for help.

    I think I might need an external MIDI module, but I have no clue what they are, where to look and how much would they cost.

    so I was wondering if any of you knew anything about a good, cheap one, since I'm on a tight budget. I HAVE a Yamaha XG-Capable keyboard, so I don't need synths and anything else other than music output.

    thank you for your time.

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