That's interesting, because when I wrote that transcription over at gamefaqs, I took that sound effect as being added by the documentary production team to accent the theme of the show; as they do hint throughout the documentary as to the true identity of the main character.
Well, working on Sanatorium mostly. We're trying lots of differnet things in this one. Plus, it will be alot longer, we're already looking at a minimum of 3 discs, but it may go longer (!).
I'm writing, producing and sound designing a full length original SH audio drama that the team will score, which will take up a disc by itself. So it's great fun to work on (just like the previous albums).
On other projects, I'm working on new content for my site, mastering my music into Dolby Digital 5.1 ac3 files.
Oh, and making SH inspired machinima with that new game "The Movies". It's fun