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Kaisui Tatsu

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Posts posted by Kaisui Tatsu

  1. Wow! I did not really know that this site had forums and such! I think that I will enjoy being a member of this site! I can't wait to contribute something, but that may take a while till I get a new computer and other things like time. I am trying to get things together for college and the like, so I don't even have the time for a lot of my art stuff. I also love games! That is why I got a job at gamestop, but the hours are coming slowly. So far I work,like, four hours a week, and I have car payments too make. . .

    But hey, I am going to try to learn how to make some remixes, and, who knows, maybe I can be good at it sometime. I am 17, a senior in high school, an artist, an member of www.limerockcafe.net (Kaisui Tatsu), www.minitokyo.net (Kaisui1tatsu), www.xanga.com( kaisui1tatsu), www.livejournal.com (animegigglebox, and that is it so far. I also plan to attend Lindsey Wilson College for a year, then transfer over to Savannah College of Art and Design.

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