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Posts posted by Crowley

  1. 'lo there all : )

    Just found this site yesterday and have been downloading music like there's No Tomorrow.

    I've loved just about everything I've come across, so hopefully I'll soon figure out how this board works enough to go lavish praises on the awesome remixers.

    I actually don't know a Thing about remixing... games... or technology... (*runs*) ... but! I do love listening to music like this, so thanks a million to djpretzel and co. for putting this together. (I do a lot of writing and often need "inspirational" music, and having found oc remixes through a friend a couple of months ago, though not knowing it came from a site like this, I have to say... y'all have inspired probably 100 pages of writing for me.)

    So apologies in advance for being the Ultimate Newb, and thanks again! : )

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