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Posts posted by Tsuribachi

  1. I believe level grinding shows dedication, and I love to do it. It shows that you can put some time into a game and make your characters great. I think that more RPG's need to emphasize leveling up your character.

  2. Without a guide, it is a ridiculous game. I'm talking about the original NES version, as the playstation one has probably been made much easier. (easy mode, lol)

    You HAVE to level grind, or at the very least spend ages trying to earn money for the stuff you need to just survive. If it weren't for those 3 squares with the hard battles to the east, it would have bored the crap out of me.

    I think FF1 is how all the Final Fantasy games should have been. It stopped being a challenge after FFIV I think, and I feel that if I'm not being challenged in a game, I might as well not play it.

  3. Hey guys, I'm back again. I'd like a signature with Razor Ramon HG in it. Could it say Tsuribachi~HG, with very bright and flamboyant rainbow colored text?

    Other than that, you can do whatever with the background.

    Here's the pic: (If you can find another one, of him doing something crazier, go for it)


    I really appreciate the help, and I'll be sure to give cred to the creator.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. I have a question..

    If I give you a picture, and tell you a bit of what I want done with it, could I get a custom sig?

    I don't have photoshop, nor have the knowledge of how to use it.. so I'm kinda stuck with this sig that my friend made me.

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