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Posts posted by aarolye

  1. Great job! I bet everyone's said this so many times, but I wanted to say it too. :P

    I have been going to this site ever since 6 years ago when I accidently discovered it. Luckily, I finally remembered the name of the site and found it again.

    I was so awed when I heard the Symphonic music because everyone's styles are so diverse yet they made this orchestra-like. I felt the same intensity as Lord of the Rings music made me feel and the unpredictable heart-stopping emotions I got from playing Clock Tower for the first time (since I am the typical girl and stopped playing after 5 minutes of it ^^).

    Overall, the music highly surpasses the average Square RPG. I wish this CD was used as the music of FF Advent Children.

    Well, I'll stop babbling now! Thanks for great compositions and broadening my music horizon~ :D

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