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  1. Im agreeing on this, remixes plz, love the song. You know what'd be cool? Youllve heard the instrumental version on the radio, well, that style, but with the words too
  2. Wii Sports is Wii Sports Find Mii is one of the games (number 2) in Wii Play, alot of people wouldve bought it cos it came with an extra remote. PAL box: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Wii_Play_Europe.jpg Basically its like wheres waldo, theres a crowd of mii's and you have to spot pairs of the same dude. This is of course times, and as the time approaches 20 secs left it plays a little jingle which i think has quite a nice catchyness to it.
  3. Im surprised there are no Ikaruga mixes released yet! I think the Epilogue theme ("Epilogue - Spirit Being") has some good base material that could be expanded upon, to something very dynamic and powerful, orchestral perhaps. source on gh =)
  4. Sorry about that guys Anyone having trouble with the link can try here http://boomp3.com/m/1ed9b67515e3
  5. Can anyone tell me what this is from, track name and artist? http://www.geocities.com/final_fan2010/Track.mp3 Ignore the sound effects and voices over the top
  6. Theres a nice little bit of music that plays as the time runs out on 'Find Mii'. Its quite simple, but that means that lots could be done with it, mirite?
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