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Posts posted by Zetah

  1. Well, it's very fast and I generally like songs that have my mind excited. The voice is scratchy or something I heard? I don't consider it to be. I like how clear it is. Maybe a bit deeper would be good, but I don't imagine much deeper. It goes against how fast and upbeat the song is. The lyrics aren't as generic as I figured it would be after finding out it'd be a vocal remix too. Gets 4/5 from me, anyway.

  2. I really apologize for bumping something so old (yet, so fantastic). This remix is off the uncontested best song in Chrono Cross, and while there's several aspects I dislike about the game, it captures a sense of exploration and hope that a lot of Chrono Cross had. It's just beautiful to listen too. Not overly dramatic, not too slow, not too fast. And this song is repetitive, but that doesn't bother me, in fact it strengthens the song to hear such great parts again. It all flows well.

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