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The Pancake

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Posts posted by The Pancake

  1. I'm eager to use Wario's atomic fart attack near a pile of bob-ombs.

    Is it just me or was that kind of a rip-off of that scene in Beavis & Butt-Head Do America? 'Cause if I recall it even goes to a scenery shot and you see a giant mushroom cloud...

    Maybe I'm just imagining things.

  2. Y'know, I've wondered that myself. Typically, the online market consists of primarily shooters, racing games and the like, games in which timing isn't so critical. Smash Bros is so timing-heavy, that I'm wondering if ANY practical connection speed can handle it. Any lag whatsoever, and the game will suck online. We'll have to wait and see...

    As far as shooters go, I'd say timing is fairly important especially if you're doing something like sniping.

    There really shouldn't be a problem with Smash Bros online. It'll be just like any other game online, if you can find a good server, you'll find a good game. If you find a crap lag server, you'll find a crap game. That's my experience with fighters online DOA4 is a game where (depending if you can counter or not) timing can be critical as well, but it doesn't seem to be too big of a deal. If anything lag tends to give you a defensive advantage if everyone is lagging at the same rate, you get a little more reaction time if you see things coming.

  3. I'd really like to see Ryu Hayabusa from the Ninja Gaiden series in SSBB though, he just has so much potential for ass-kickery it'd be shame if he doesn't make it.

    Too bad Team Ninja seems to be enjoying the XBOX 360. Though if you really want to fight as Ryu, why not just pick up DOA4 (even though he looks like a total wuss when you can see his whole face)? I dunno, he doesn't seem like a Smash Bros type character for me. He'd have to fight in a completely different way from DOA. Then again, neither does Snake, but Metal Gear has always had a good sense of humor.

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