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  1. Thanks everyone, there are a lot of great suggestions in this topic! I plan to try everything suggested. Right now I'm in the middle of listening to Zircon's Impulse Prime album via the Rhapsody subscription my family shares. It is excellent so far - exactly the type of music I was looking for. By the way, here are a few random artists I do like that meet my previous description: Ronald Jenkees - I discovered this guy on Youtube. He has very entertaining videos and his first album is great (second on the way). There's a lot of hip hop influence in his music, but done very well. Ratatat - Probably not very well known. I stumbled across their album LP3 last weekend and really enjoyed it. Squarepusher - Actually I don't think I like most of his music, but I enjoyed his most recent album Hello Everything.
  2. I'm not sure if this question has been asked many times before because I don't really come to these forums. Anyway, my experience with OC Remix is that it is better than almost everything produced by the music industry. The main reason I think this is because I don't like anything with vocals, so that rules out at least 90% of everything. Of course there's lots of nonvocal electronic music, but even then I rarely find anything I like because most electronic producers either try to be "complex" and create music with no melody, or they make extremely repetitive dance music. I like OC Remix because it has no vocals, AND good melody. I know my tastes are odd...but does anyone think they could recommend some artists for me? I would just listen to OC Remix, but I've heard every track on the site dozens of time
  3. I don't know much about remixing (or critiquing =P), but for someone with such limited experience in a program, I think that sounded excellent. The very beginning was kind of dull but it quickly got much better. Keep it up.
  4. FL Studio says in comes with the Soundfont Player, and it tells how to use it in the help file, but it doesn't tell how to actually open it...
  5. Hi, first of all I want to say I hope I don't sound like a n00b. I read the sticky topics and downloaded Fruity Loops, but I don't know if that's what I was looking for. I want to make orchestrated music, like Chrono Trigger Symphonic. I know making that kind of music is a real challenge, and I won't be able to make anything of that quality for a VERY long time (if ever), but I think CT Symphonic is the most amazing thing on this site. Is Fruity Loops the best way to start out, even if I just want to make music with ordinary instruments? I don't want whatever I make to sound like it's been made with a computer, and more like it was actually played at a symphony. Gah, sorry, I'm really a music newb. I can read music and play piano, but I know nothing about theory or composing. >_> Thanks for your help...
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