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Posts posted by Rico68

  1. I first discovered Mr. Kee some years ago while I was serving in the US Army. During that tour, I missed my new wife and my family a great deal. I mention it only so you can understand the depth of emotion that I associate with Mr. Kee's work. More often than not, it was his compositions that covered the random noises of camp around me as I tried to sleep those long months of my tour. It's cliché to say it, but music is truely a portal to the soul. By sharing his music, Mr. Kee enabled many people to explore their own emotions and situations and, I believe, consistantly come out the better for it.

    I've grown up in an age where it seems like music often feels simplistic and very linear, if that makes any sense. Mr. Kee's music always stuck me as a complex and dynamic blend that would lead you from one emotional state to another one. The ability to incite empathy on the part of your audience is an extremely rare and very precious gift. I know nothing can ever really replace a lost loved one, but I think as we all (and especially his dear family) beging to cope with this untimely loss, it would be prudent to reflect on the number of people that Mr. Kee has effected over the years. Mr. Kee's music touched people from a host of countries and from all over the world. Though death is always tragic, I believe nothing better could be said of a man than that the world itself mournes his loss. And mournes not for some famous speach, moment of valour on some forgotten battlefield, or random treaty who's meaning has been lost to the ages, but rather for the simple fact that in his soul was that true spark of beauty that cried out to us all, and showed us why we as a species were ever deemed worthy of life in the first place.

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