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Posts posted by _SHO_

  1. Hey,

    I was just wondering if someone could recommend a site that hosts MP3s when I want to submit one. I have seen a few sites but they all seem pretty hardcore on their copyright policy which may be an issue with OCremixes. I have two remixes to submit and this issue has hindered me from doing so thus far.

    What do other remixers do when they submit?



  2. The only problem with using material from the original mix in you remix is that it brings up even more copyright issues.

    Thus far, We have all been very fortunate that no computer game companies have had any issues with OCREMIX. This may be because most of the tracks being remixed are from old games where the source material was unfit for sampling (Eg. old atari inbuilt synths etc.) If we start sampling from, say, a PS2 game that has an orchestra, we are not only violating intelectual copyrights but mechanical copyrights too.

    If the companies let us get away with it it will be awesome and open up more opportunities. I have completed a remix of the Tenchu 1 themesong but haven't posted as yet due to this postential issue.

  3. I reckon it all depends on what kind of learner you are. You either learn better by visual stimulation (Tabs & sheet music), audio stimulation (working it out by ear, like me) or Kinaethetic stimualtion (hands on, work it out by playin it or sequencing it as you feel).

    I work best by listening to it.

    I try to get a MIDI file of the song, if it's available, and bring it into Anvil Studio (Freeware!). Then i am able to isolate different parts and listen to them, seeing how they work together. This program is also good if you like to look at the piano roll or sheet notation to work it out.

    My thoughts.

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