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Everything posted by Mega88zero

  1. Umm.. yea i jsut wanted to throw something out here. Deej and I have a four man team sorta kinda hooked up here... but we always need practice and pointers anything that helps. So minus Deej if you'd like to assemble some people to play let us know... we would always enjoy the practice.
  2. And so, Devin finally posts in the forums.Speaking of Devin... I'll need to use yer 360 for that card I bought. It's being gay =/ Then I'll have 13 months more! Ok sure thing... whenever ya wanna do that just let me know. Yay i posted in the forums whoo. WEll if ya'll ever need me im MEGAXZEROX On xbox live. so yea.
  3. Deej sent me.
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