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Posts posted by illusivemind

  1. I found this site from google, searching for "corrupt flp file" in the desperate hope that there may have been some way of rescuing a song I had spent hours and hours on.

    The same old story, a plugin crashed as I was saving the file. I tried to look at the code and find the markers and what not, but this was just beyond me.

    However, I was running Norton System Works 2006, including Norton Go Back. With File & Version rescue you can restore files from a number of different times on drives you have protected.

    Now unfortunately I don't save my flp files to C drive, which is the only drive I have enabled protection on. Luckily though I was able to find a number of versions of C:\Program Files\FLStudio 5\Trash bin\Backup.flp file which included a save of my song 8 minutes before it crashed.

    Thank God for Go Back.

    Just thought I'd post this to in the hope that it might save someone else's hard work. Of course by the time they search for this, it's probably too late. From now on I'll be using FL Studio 6 and the "Save New Version" function regularly.

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