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Minor Arcana

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Posts posted by Minor Arcana

  1. I don't see it as being worth your time or money. I don't believe that there's a market out there for people who want to download lossless mixes (or even mixes encoded at 320kbps MP3).

    Your bandwidth costs would be horrendous, too. Grabbing a CD's worth of lossless music would easily be 200-300MB, maybe more. If 100 people download a CD in a month, you'll easily break the maximum bandwidth permitted by most entry-level hosting providers.

  2. If I encode stuff nowadays, I use AAC. Yeah, it's proprietary, but it's also a standard.

    Also, the encoding format is not Ogg. It's Vorbis. Ogg is simply a wrapper (that's why you can get Ogg/Vorbis or Ogg/FLAC).

    CompyFox, I don't really think the poster is trying to start a war of which format is better, but rather, trying to solve a problem that is a neat idea, but not really a problem, so to speak.

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