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Posts posted by Tapper

  1. Thank you! I agree when you say the drums are shitty. Most of the time spent on that mp3 was on the drums. I couldn't get them to sound the way I wanted! I suppose its just gonna take more practice.

    Heres another piece I just started. Theres not much here just yet, but this is probably gonna be the basis of my first full length song. Again, most of the effort is on the drums, trying to get the damn thing to sound right. Any suggestions on getting realistic sounding drums?

    Download: Untitled

  2. Hey guys! Potential future game music mixer here! I got Fruity Loops about a year ago but pretty much left the thing untouched because I found that I sucked at creating music digitally.

    I finally got some recording equipment and I decided to give Fruity Loops another shot. I created this in about two hours. I call it Black Rose Forever. I basically just took a riff from Opeth's Black Rose Immortal and done my own little thing with it. The point of the song is just to be a quick experiment with mixing my own live recording with digitally generated music. I know its not great, but I think its a good start. I'm posting it here for some opinions and advice from the experienced musicians out there. Any tips before I start on a more serious project?

    Download here: Black Rose Forever

  3. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

    I'm considering buying a Pod XT. I've heard a lot of good things about it and I'm sure it would work perfectly for recording electric guitar, but at the moment I'm more interested in recording acoustic.

    Would I be able to record acoustic with decent quality using a pod? What would be the best way to go about it? Can I get good sound by hooking a mic into the pod and recording like that?

    Also, I'm gonna have a better look at that EMU 0404. I might just go ahead and buy one of those and experiment with it before I spring for a pod.

  4. I'm a complete newb when it comes to hardware like sound cards and amps. I don't know much about it, but I'd really like to learn. I want to record some acoustic and electric guitar music, but my current setup sucks. Here is a quick recording I done to give you an idea of what I'm working with.


    Aside from my questionable guitar playing skills and the fact that the guitar is a little out of tune, it sounds like crap because I lack decent recording equipment. I'm gonna start saving up for some new sound equipment soon and I need some help because I don't know what to buy. Heres my current setup:

    Esteban acoustic electric guitar. Yeah I know its a poor man's guitar, but I'm a poor man.

    Esteban amplifier. I can live with the guitar, but this amp sounds like crap. The only output is a headphone jack, which I'm hooking into my sound card's line in jack to do the recording.

    Instead of hooking the guitar directly into the amp, I'm hooking a Nady Starpower SP-1 mic into it. I'm not sure if this is a good mic or not because I borrowed it from my dad. It doesn't sound quiet right when I hook the mic directly into my computer, which is why I'm putting it through the amp first.

    My sound card is an Aureal Audio card. I'm not exactly sure what model, but its obviously a pretty cheap card. Its gonna need to be replaced soon anyway because the line out jack is screwed up and for some reason only outputs sound to the right speaker.

    I'm recording it all with Guitar FX Box Pro, which is a digital guitar recording program.

    Any suggestions for new hardware, or links where I can read more about live guitar recording? Keep in mind that I don't have a lot of money to spend. I just want a decent sound for as little money as possible. What about those Line-6 Pod preamp thingies? Should I look into those?

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