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Posts posted by Rakathan

  1. I have also been considering work in this field.

    The idea of setting up all the technical equipment and getting the placement of band members and instruments correct really interests me.

    The thing that is keeping me back is the same thing that keeps all other people with music-related dreams back: competition. I don't want to pick a job that will require me to be afraid at every turn or change in events, even if job security in general is ceasing to exist.

    My theory (with no research...haha) is that while there are plenty of eager musicians who are willing to fight the competition, there are not so many people who are willing to deal with the technical requirements of performance or even just practice.

    Basically, what I want to know is this: Do I stand a chance, without investing every moment of my life (aside from eating and sleeping, as mentioned above), of becoming a successful sound engineer? It really interests me, and I am good at dealing with many technical situations.

    If so, where should I start? I plan on going to college, but I'm not sure what sort of major I should be looking at. After that, what kind of jobs would I be able to apply for? What kind of career will I end up with?

    It seems interesting, but the feasibility of it is questionable.

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