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Posts posted by BonzaiRob

  1. D'oh! Completely missed the Terms of Use. Thanks, Bahamut. That doesn't sound unreasonable either.

    Estêvão, what you mentioned sounds a lot more intense than what I had in mind. I'm going for like an hour max, and it'll be more for students than diehard OCR users.

  2. I've listened to OCR (and submitted quite a few failures) for a few years, but not really joined the forums properly before.. Anyway, I have the opportunity to present a radio show (regularly) on my university's radio station.

    How can I go about getting permission to play OCR tracks there? I'm in the UK, so I'm not sure about any legal issues. I'll start researching if I get a go-ahead here, but I shouldn't think there'd be anything particularly tricky at this end.

    It's not a particularly big station, or university, and I'm not sure how popular it'll be - out of all the clubs and societies, there's nothing for video games (until I start it maybe). It might not even get past the administration. But I'd like to know what the opinion is here. I'd be playing OCR tracks mixed with originals in a VG-themed show.

    Many thanks.

  3. Many have tried, all have failed, yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, I posted this a few months back and the topic's been pruned.. I've made some progress. Some. Can anyone give me some pointers for this? (The crowd might seem over the top but last time I posted the general consensus was that the crowd version was better).


    (It's designed to be played loud, by the way)

    I can see I'll get a lot of you guys saying the explosions are over the top too...

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