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  1. I am glad someone noticed this at all, given the way this thread has gone. The fact that you yourself clicked on the thread and were the first to notice it, however, truly makes my day. @ DJPretzel: Glad to hear you guys are working on a possible solution. For what it's worth, even though I promised myself I would stop listening to the hillbilly mix, I go back to it every couple of months and play it like 5 times in a row. Willingly, even though I know it will get stuck in my head. And then after embarrassing myself for a few days at work, in the store, while driving, and anywhere else I might accidentally singing to myself I once again promise not to listen to it... for a while. Seriously it's one of the catchiest mixes, and it always starts a conversation. e edit: making Mustin his own genre was a serious suggestion.
  2. Again, it wouldn't prevent people from trying a lot of things. It would allow them to find things for a specific playlist or purpose quickly, which would be quite useful. Frankly I'm astonished by how strongly people feel that tags are bad. It's just convenient.
  3. Since this would take a lot more time and technological know-how than what I offered to do, it's not really possible for me right now. If others out there would be willing to help I would totally do it. Flame wars wouldn't be a problem because there need be no public forum on a simple remix index site
  4. Bingo. Well, sign me up for helping with that, then.
  5. But that's the beautiful thing about multiple tags. If you don't like the way the "techno" tag is applied you can click on a more specific tag like "trance" or "Drum n Bass." And actually I excluded "techno" from my proposed list of tags precisely because it would be over- and mis-applied.
  6. Okay, I read the FAQ about genre tags. I have to say - and I'm saying this as a fan - those are the lamest reasons I've ever heard. Seriously, I thought it would be something pragmatic like "we don't have the time to categorise them" or something. But come on, the remixes don't fit cookie cutter labels? Big deal, that's what multiple tags are for. Opening people's minds? Hey, you just said the mixes don't perfectly fit the labels... let them put in Trance and listen to some new stuff they wouldn't get on any online Trance station. As a living example, I'm offering to to do all the work involved in tagging the mixes (that's how gung ho I am for genre tags) and I just stated I'm listening to every single mix on the site in order even if they're not of a genre I normally like (even the metal ones, and that's saying a lot for me). I'd say that open minds and genre tags are perfectly compatible. We're all here because we like video game music and I suspect most listeners will give a track a try, even a weird one if it's from a game they like. Being able to search by tag would only allow them to find something faster for a particular party, mood or playlist. *sigh* djpretzel, if you read this, please know that my willingness to volunteer remains, and if you guys would ever be willing to change your minds, I'm here. I may not be able to mix music but I could at least do something useful for my favourite music site. :/ ap
  7. Hello all, I was wondering if the site has considered adding tags to the remixes to indicate genre? Could make it easier for people to find what they want. I know it would take some work, but I'd be willing to help out. I recently decided to listen to EVERY remix in alphabetical order (I've just barely gotten to "D" so far) so it would be easy for me to type the tags for each one as I go. The list I had in mind would be something like: Electronica Dance Trance Drum 'n' Bass Accoustic Beep-boop Vocal Metal Hip Hop Ambient Orchestral Big Band Mustin Cheerful Sad Bittersweet Humorous Adrenaline Creepy Dramatic OCR Album Of course others can be added. I don't know whose call it is on whether such a project would be OK, but I hope they see this. Thoughts? e
  8. Great suggestion guys, and Darkesword, I got all 3 of your for sure. I've taken nearly all he suggestions here and have a great play list - plus my notes on which song to play for which scene Bleck, I have probably heard every single Metroid, Super Metroid, and Prime remix out there. I love this site and all the remixers. I don't have a good head for remembering which remix has which mood just from the title alone, so I needed some extra help. Many thanks guys! e
  9. Hi all. I could use some suggestions for putting together a play list. This weekend I'm running a role-playing game set in outer space. The game revolves around exploring creepy ruins on deserted planets, so very Metroid-esque. I'm hoping to play some nice background music to set the mood for the players. (I'll be playing it right off the site for a group of four or five people; don't worry, this isn't a commercial endeavour.) I've listened to most of the remixes from most of the Metroid games over the years, and I know the kind of music I want is in there. Problem is, I don't remember which mixes I liked, and I won't have time to listen to them all in the next two days. There must be well over 100 mixes between the various Metroid games! I'm hoping some of you can make recommendations. What I'm hoping to find: electronic feel (either fast-paced or more ambient is fine), moody, deep. Dark stuff especially, but a range of emotion is fine; I'm sure I can find a good use for both cheerful pieces and grittier pieces. What I'm trying to avoid: Rock, metal, or other non-electronica genre. Also, I probably won't use more than one or two remixes of any one track. Hearing 12 different takes on Norfair doesn't really make for exciting background music. All Metroid games are fine, and I'm looking for a playlist of ~20 tracks total. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! e
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