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  1. Thanks for the kind words, Rize. Yeah, I remember the hours I spent tweaking pitches and effects for this thing... makes me miss all that free time I had in college. Thanks for the links, too. There are a lot of familiar names in there... I'll have to do a little foraging.
  2. You're probably right. My personal style (for both arrangement and production) tends toward toward the minimalist side as compared to the general culture at OCR. Which is fine, really. Maybe if I ever take another shot at remixing, I'll try to go a little more over the top.
  3. the remix. This song is as old as dirt. I created it with FL maybe five years ago and posted it on VGMix during one of its many incarnations. Since then my computer has been formatted a couple of times, and the loop has been lost, leaving only the mp3 behind. I stumbled across it recently and thought it might have deserved better than the fate it received. I never submitted it to OCR because I'm fairly sure it's not technically strong enough; I figured it needed some "background noise" to reinforce the empty-club atmosphere, but that sort of thing is far beyond my capabilities. Ironically, adding a layer is the only thing that can be done with it now, but I wonder if it's worth the effort. I've been away from the community for years, so it's probably passed me by. But if anyone has some thoughts over whether this is salvageable, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
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