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Posts posted by K-Star

  1. I really love this remix! The first time I heard the original Corneria song I thought that was one of the coolest songs ever so I went looking for a remix here and found this, and I must say, it's truly just what I was searching for! The opening sequence with the voices is awesome. Makes me feel like I'm watching an Arwing about to take off. I was a tad disappointed that the second half didn't have quite as much energy as the beginning, but it's quite beautiful. This is a really awesome remix of a really awesome song. Two thumbs up! :D

  2. Err... hi. I'm K-Star. I'm an 18 year old Nintendo fangirl and I love the music on this site! I first discovered OCR when I was searching for the background music from when the save/load robots do their thing on Mario Paint and I ran across the remix for that music when I googled the song. That particular music used to scare the crap out of me but the remix here helped me overcome that fear. (I was searching for a rendition of the music just so I could try overcoming my fear without hooking up the SNES and playing the game because I didn't know how to hook it up, nor did I have my parents permission to do so.) Since then I've downloaded many other remixes and I've made a remix of my own that I'm considering submitting but I doubt it's good enough at all.

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