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Old Man Time

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Posts posted by Old Man Time

  1. I like the footer and after-first-post ideas. I think the sidebar is barren in long threads, and ads would fill it out nicely.

    Also, has any consideration been given to selling ad space? OCR gets a lot of pageviews and it's a fairly specific demographic. I could imagine certain companies wanting to advertise. Of course, we'd have to have specific policies in place as to what ads we'd allow, i.e. no flash, we'd have to approve the content, etc. I think it might be worth persuing, in addition to Google Ads. Just a thought.

    I agree, I would be surprised if game companies wouldn't want to advertise on OCR.





    As for the topic at hand, I like the idea of only letting those who have submitted an entry in the past vote. It's almost like having a membership. Besides, I doubt many people who haven't been involved in a competition would even bother to drop by this thread. Is everyone alright with trying this next round?

    Sweet sigs. That sounds like a good idea with the two seperate votes, but maybe if we don't have enough for two categories, we could simply weight the votes? So the people who have entered the competition would have their votes counted twice compared to those who didn't enter, or who haven't entered in the past, or something like that.

  3. If we're afraid of alt accounts, one measure we could take would be to ask mods/admin to check the IPs of voters and ensure no two are identical. But honestly? With the current group, I wouldn't be terribly concerned of shady deals.

    I totally agree, I just know that that was one of the original arguments for restricting voting to the actual writers.

  4. Wow, that's a very close-knit spread. The voting procedure probably could use a change, but we do have till July to discuss it so I'm going to take my time to think about it.

    I guess I can live with sharing first ;-)

    I also agree that it would be better if more people were allowed to vote, maybe restrict it to people who have submitted an entry in the past, or to people that we're pretty sure aren't alt accounts? I don't know how you'd determine that, maybe just they have to be registered users for a while, and active on the boards, though of course that doesn't guarantee anything.

  5. Not really. If any of 'em are Linux holdouts they're happy that MS has finally implemented something akin to sudo. It's only a pissoff to those idiots that assumed Windows installs would be single-user admin privileges forever, despite how inherently stupid that policy is.

    I'm actually trying out Fedora Core 6 for a while to see if I like it. Plus, Fedora 7 is out May 31st, so that might be an interesting alternative. In the end my guess is that I'll dual-boot my laptop, with Vista and Fedora, but I'll end up using Fedora almost exclusively except when I need to use a program that only Vista can run.

  6. The thread title basically says it all. I'm going off to college next year and getting a new laptop, which will probably come with Vista. To run the new GUI and stuff I'll probably have to upgrade the RAM to around 2 gigs or so, but I've been looking at some of Vista's new "features" and honestly the only big difference I can see is the Aero interface. Is XP more stable than Vista, or are most of the bugs fixed already? Is Aero cool enough to shell out the extra money to get a good machine that can run it? I'm fine with XP on my home computer as it is, and I don't do a lot of PC gaming or anything, so thats not a factor. Thanks for the help.

  7. Well, here's my submission. Its a haiku that I just wrote now, which I based off of a camping trip I had in northern Wisconsin. I hope you all like it. Note: I edited this post to do some capitalization in the poem. Good change/bad change?

    Hiking at Midnight

    Silent, gentle leaves

    Little rivulets of grass

    Grasp the starlit night

    Well, I don't know much about what a traditional haiku is or whatever, I just did the 5-7-5 thing. Anyways, I uploaded it to writing.com, here's the link:


    And this is the link to my writing.com profile:


    Good luck to everyone in the competition! I look forward to reading all of your poetry.

  8. Well, here's my submission. Its a haiku that I just wrote now, which I based off of a camping trip I had in northern Wisconsin. I hope you all like it. Note: I edited this post to do some capitalization in the poem. Good change/bad change?

    Hiking at Midnight

    Silent, gentle leaves

    Little rivulets of grass

    Grasp the starlit night

  9. and it says: "did you mean: ocremix"?

    Come to think of it, it's not as funny now as it was about five minutes ago. But I'll post it as my first off-top thread anyway. After all, edgar cockfox is not around to say "GTFO" anymore.


    I thought it was funny, anyways

  10. I've burnt backup dvds of music. Recently I copied the music back onto a HD - some of the .mp3s are messed up. What was once a track from The Black Mages is now 117 minutes long and is partly Black Mages, partly Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Audiobook.

    Any idea why this is, and if there's a way to fix it?

    No idea what it is, though I'm a little concerned because I burnt a bunch of dvd's with music on them - 11 to be exact. I hope my files are ok...

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