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Posts posted by Ixzion

  1. So...

    What did you guys think of my mix? :|

    I'm just finding out about this album after checking out the latest posted remixes by chance.

    But damn, your Heat Vision mix is some great stuff. Funky, catchy, love the piano in there.

    And DrumUltima's Lonely Petals is probably one of the best renditions of "Red Soil, Swampy Area" part of Brinstar that I've ever heard. I can't get enough remixes of that song, and I almost wish that the section you got to hear it in was longer.

    I'm not much of an audiophile like many of yall, so I can't really tell you what much except of what I like. But I really enjoyed the majority of this album. :)

    P.S. Good to hear the reason for the album is okay!

  2. Thank God it's out! I tried waiting up, but I said screw it. But that just let me get a nice present for waking up!

    Fantastic work, might I add. I had to listen to Hydrochill first, as it was my most anticipated song on the entire list. But then I gave the rest of you a chance. And you didn't disappoint, either. If Sega ever made a S3&K remake, the songs would have to sound like this.

    Keep up the good work in the future on whatever you do. All of you.


  3. Howdy gents!

    This is my first post on OCR, but I've been a follower since 2003-ish or so. But I HAD to register to place my vote for Hydrochill (I hope it wasn't already included like that awesome Doomsday mix). I want that song BAD, son!

    So, here goes:

    1. Hydrochill!!!! For God's Sake!

    2. Azure Lake [wip]

    3. Heads Up for Tails

    4. Water on the Dancefloor

    5. New Beginnings (demo)

    Love the work OCR and this project's group have been doing, especially! Keep up the good work, guys! :D

    -Big OCR Fan

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