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Posts posted by 1makes2

  1. Hey man you ended up doing a nice job finishing your song. i had forgotten all about this track until i just saw it posted. sorry again for getting sidetracked and not helping you in any way with this song, but you obviously didn't need help :) great track and look forward to hearing more from you! we should try and collab again soon hit me up with a pm

  2. this is a song i made while i have been away for the past couple of months

    i had no internet acess but i had my laptop and i have fl5 on it!

    i also used reason for some of the drums and synths.

    but sorry to everyone that i have been collabing with i will get back to the wips pronto now that i am back.

    anyway tell me what you think. its pretty long. but the guitar solo at the end is the best part so listen to it!


  3. ^Thanks! I've now got sound via General MIDI, but I'd like to utilize the nicer samples I've got. Happen to know how to make the jump from the general midi patch number to my Garritan (or any other sample library, in theory) sounds?

    right click on the midi channel (little square oval thing with the instrument name) -> Replace -> choose vst or soundfont player you want to use.

  4. Thanks for the input, all...

    Gah, damn you, Reason 3.0!!! I knew the tempo can be fudged, but, like you said, fishy, it's a bitch to edit it... same thing can be said for the meter changes. Alas, I just wish I still had my good ol' Magix studio for things like that... *sniff*


    upgrade to reason 4 then simply automate the tempo.....

  5. Dude..

    Its nice to see you getting posted man! Sorry it took me so long to review this but i have been without sound on my comp for a couple of weeks.

    This is a great mix! love all of the automation and the shaker!

    When the synth bass kicks in it makes me want to slap my roomate in the face!!

    (in a good way of corse!)

    I noticed that some complained about it being too repetitive, but thats how this type of music is supposed to sound! It was produced well, had good variation and kept my interest the whole way. the keychange kinda threw me off at first, but i dug it right away, blended well.

    Great work man and i know i will see some more front page from you in the future!

  6. i was wondering what that was all about.

    thanks for the info. you learn something new everyday.

    hope they fix it permanatly so i dont have to go through ocr withdrawls anymore

    (i was twitching and scratching my neck vigirously)

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