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Posts posted by eshman

  1. Hey, it's been a while since I've been here and I was wondering if there might be a way to sort the remixes by genre. This way if I feel like listening to techno, orchestral, samba, or hard rock on any one day I can access them easily...

    Sorry if I missed this posted somewhere else btw...

  2. Happy B-day OCR! Way to go DJP! Let's all do the Happy Dance!

    Swing it to the left! Now swing it to the right! Back to the left! Then back to the right! You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out! You put your right foot in and you shake it all about! Erm, wait a minute--I think that's the Hokey Pokey, but you get the idea...

    Here's to another great 10 years and beyond! :)

  3. I'm very sorry to hear about all the troubles... :( Hey Pixietricks please tell your mom congrats, even though it's a little late. Sixty is a major milestone no matter who you are! :) Yes, I'm still lurking and yes, I love the new VGDJ! I never gave up on you guys (and gal) on making a comeback and so you have!! Please keep it going and congrats on the marriage (I know that's a little late to, but better late than never I say...) :)

  4. Well, I've finally decided to give this a go. I recently bought FL Studio 8.0 Fruity Edition and an Axiom 61. I've played around with it as far as opening up some midis and replacing the instruments with mostly defaults that just plain sound better. I do have a background in music somewhat. I was in band from elementary all the way up to high school, so we did cover a bit of theory. Even though it was years ago I still remember a lot of it.

    I play mostly by ear just like my father did when I was a kid. He's a musician in Savannah, Ga. He goes by Esh, in case anyone cares to look him up--I don't anymore. However, he did used to let me listen to everything he created to see if I could pick out anything that needed to be fixed. I helped him with gig set-ups when I was little.

    Anyway, on to the matter at hand. I really want to get involved in the remixing community. It's always been something that I thought was really cool. I've got a lot of your albums zirc and I have a great appreciation and respect for all you've been able to accomplish--especially the teaching cred! Go you! :) I would just like to know what a good starting place would be. What would you recommend? I've played around with Slayer recently and I just don't seem to be able to get a good sound out of it by playing around with the different knobs and adjusting everything possible on it. I guess I'm just frustrated with it if anything... Please help me get started on the right track! :)

  5. This is the eshman checking in. I've been visiting the site for a year or so now and it feels a lot like my home away from home. I've been wanting to get into the remixing scene for quite some time now, but I'm going to beef up my PC first, so it'll probably be sometime towards the beginning of next year before you see any work by me, if it makes it through the panel.

    'Til then I'm working on game development and design albeit as a side hobby. You can check out some stuff by me here:


    and here:


    They're basically in-the-works stories and game development, but it's a sample of things to come.

    Also, if you're interested you can visit me on myspace:


    Catch ya later! ;p

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