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Everything posted by Zoyg

  1. FUXXORS! Gimme a few days.
  2. Hey guys, I'm back once again to see what you reckon of my latest song, Robotnik Ragnarok. Anyway, etc etc. Here's the link: http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/yeldarb/Robotnik%20Ragnarok%20OC ReMix.mp3 It's a bit different to the average links I make, but I couldn't find my awesome original FTP host, FSPHost. Sigh. Anyway, I'm keen for some feedback. Zoyg
  3. Well, I've done some more work on the song. I've been blessed with a day off. SO! My changes... So far, I've done what you've all been suggesting: change the sampling of the drum kit. So I've replaced a few of the samples that are currently there with some more...appropriate? samples.... well, in MY opinion, anyway... Also, the bass had 100% stereo separation in it, which explains why there was lack of doof-doof in it... so, I've merged it, just a little, so it sticks more into the centre of the song. There were some more minor things, like removing the toms, and just replacing them with 16th snare notes (which sound quite good). I think that's about it. As always, the song is available from the same link.
  4. Well, I'm back. Sorry that I have failed to update this, as school once again has an evil grasp on me. Thank Christ it's almost over!! Anyway, the changes have all been in the instruments used... I use a lot of different synths, isntead of the constant array of strings I used. For the beginning, I replaced the strings with a more natural sounding array of strings, and gave them an extra octave about 16 bars into the song. Something like that. Also, the main instruments have been changed, and the solo in the end uses a whole new set of drums, just so I spice it up a little. The bass has been marginalized out of the side speakers, so there's room for the rest of the synths and percussoin to make noise. I'm not sure about any more changes, but yeah. That's what I've got so far. Hope you like it. I mean sure, I know there's a few more things I may be able to do, but I need YOUR help to tell me exactly what I've done wrong. As always, the song is available from the same link.
  5. Hey guys I've been working on a little something with my cousin, another artist, Omega. This is an OC ReMix of a song from Adventures of Batman and Robin; it's a fairly old game, but the music in it is dead-set AWESOME! (well, most of it anyway), and this is a remix of one of the first songs. Anyway, I'd love to hear your comments on it. Improvement is always good. The song is available at http://one.fsphost.com/yeldarbizzim/Batman%20And%20Robins%20Escapade%20OC%20ReMix.mp3 , hope you like it! Regards, Zoyg
  6. Hey guys If you recall, I had something on here last time, a little while ago.. WELL! I had to focus my attention on schoolwork (considering grade 12 almost determines your future lol) and now I'm back. I've been working hard on Robotnik Ragnarok, much to my demise. Again, the Pretz has said that my sampling quality is poor. Someone tell me what the hell he means by that! Last time I published a version of Robotnik Ragnarok, it was suggested that I poorly laid out a drumloop, DrillNB, on top of what was originally pretty good...so, I removed that, and removed the Slayer that everyone also disliked. Other stuff has been added as well, like a better drumline, a more interesting solo, and yeah...that's it, I think. I just need to know what YOU think of it, because honestly I think I've done a pretty good job. If you don't know what I'm talking about, this song is a remix of Sonic 1's Final Zone. My latest version of this song can be located at http://one.fsphost.com/yeldarbizzim/Robotnik%20Ragnarok%20OC%20ReMix.mp3 Regards, Zoyg
  7. Unbelievable. Well, actually it's quite believable, but that's not the point. I guess I'm back to square one. I'm still taking ideas. And thanks for the latest reply! I'll see what I can do to add more variation to it. This time, they're suggesting the sampling quality or something like that is poor... what in the world does that mean? Does it mean it's just a generally shit song?
  8. Okay, I think I've polished it all up and it should be OCReMix material now with a bit of luck... Thanks for all the help that you guys have given me, especially Altus Audacia and DJ-Arthur... without you guys it probably wouldn't be possible for me to actually make any good changes to it... I'll be back if the song's still not accepted. Again, thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it, as this is the first actual time I've tried to send a song to OCReMix, and yeah, needed as much help as possible.
  9. Okay, I've remade the song a bit more... this time, it has a bit of a better ending. Another solo with the structure of the original, then it basically follows through to the ending. As always, you can get it through the same link.
  10. Okay, I've completely restructured the song...added a solo at the end...something generic like that...it certainly isn't as repetitive as it was before, each section basically builds up the sounds... but yeah let's see what you guys think of it.
  11. I restructured the song a little, hopefully, it's not so bad now. It's the same link as the original.
  12. Hey guys I made this song and, of course, it was rejected. Apparently, it was too repetitive. It's a ReMix of the Sonic 1 Final Zone. I'd love to hear some suggestions, because yeah. It can be found at http://one.fsphost.com/yeldarbizzim/Robotnik%20Ragnarok%20OC%20ReMix.mp3
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