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Everything posted by Jem

  1. Ah, I see, thank you also. I tried to look around to find something about that, but I couldn't find anything...I probably just didn't look hard enough. Thanks for pointing me towards it.
  2. Thank you very much.
  3. I'm not 100% sure that this topic belongs in this forum specifically, but I figure it's better to try than not bother at all. So, even though I may be new to the forum, I have listened to OC Remixes for quite a while. I can't remix though, just because I'm simply not skilled like that. :\ Anyway, that's not my point. Recently, I got into a few of the torrents, mainly the Kirby one (which I adore <3). And I was wondering, what specifications does one need to meet to get something like that to happen? Does one need to be a remixer themselves, or do they just have to have an idea? And when they meet that specification, how would one manage to get their project "approved" (so to speak) and put on the site for submissions? Any help is appreciated, and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
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