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    Cocoa Beach, FL
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  1. Original forum here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-4793.html
  2. This is a remix of the Castle Courtyard level from Gauntlet Legends/Dark Legacy Would like to submit soon...happy new year! Here is the link to the mp3: http://tennesseetrip.tripod.com/castle2.mp3 Thanks!
  3. Freakin awesome! I love 80's and I love ice cap music, so this is a perfect combo for me. Other than tweaking and one small suggestion, I'd say this bad boy is ready. Most 80's songs end with a fade to silence...and that's all you're really missing. I have been working on a very similar type of remix of some Gauntlet Legends music (have not posted on WIP boards, I'm not near as far along as you are) So please don't be offended, because, well...80's is 80's...and it all sounds the same....
  4. I like it...I think you have over-used the "cowabunga" sound-clip, but I like the "stuttering" effect you used with it. (c-c-c-cowabunga!)
  5. I agree that it is a bit repetitive. Thanks for your suggestion, I will try to see what I can do.
  6. Any idea how I could get more feedback?
  7. You will need to copy and paste the link into a new window...tripod is really gay about hotlinking mp3s...can't say I don't blame them.
  8. I have posted a remix of the "Castle Courtyard" level music from Gauntlet Legends/Dark Legacy at http://tennesseetrip.tripod.com/castle.mp3 I am a new remixer just looking for some tips. Right now, all I think is missing are piano dynamics. This remix was done in the musical style of Yanni. The mix was originally titled "Castle Yanni" but has been changed to "Yanni in the Courtyard." As if that title is any better. Any advice will be appreciated!!
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