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Posts posted by Athair

  1. But also don't forget that you may not need to bring so much of your stuff there. Even though three people on the trip do own a Wii, it's not likely that we'd use them all at the same time on multiple TVs, if available. Besides, I think the controller count is around 4 anyway, I think that we'll only need to have one or maybe two around. (One for multiplayer games and maybe one dedicated to Zelda.) So, Bahamut, Athair, and Pi_R_[]ed, you need to work it out.

    As far as the overnight (and at least getting my stuff there), I live in White Plains, so I'd probably take the Harlem line to here, then grab my car to zircon's (provided with a location, of course). Only games I have are WiiSports & Zelda.

    Why don't the other people who are going post more? It's coming up soon... there should be more "woohoo-ing" and whatnot.


  2. *looks around*

    This seems like a suitable place for an introduction.

    Long time listener, first time caller...er...poster.

    Computer Engineer by day, 3d Modeller by...later in the day.

    As far as music goes, I attempted composing back in high school, but sort of fell out of it at college. Now the most I do is jump onto the piano when I hear something that sounds interesting to play (including original video game music, as well as many of the remixes here).

    Proficiency: Piano - high, Violin - mid, Guitar/Harmonica - low

    I think that's about it... oh, and Hi Bahamut!

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