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Posts posted by StormPooperSmith

  1. Well, I didn't actually use Guitar Suite in my test, I just recorded straight into a Wave Editor (tried both Nero Wave Editor and Audacity). At the time of testing, I couldn't get recording to work in FL Studio without an ASIO-compatible card. Now though, I've got ASIO4ALL (which dupes it into thinking it's ASIO-compatible), so I may attempt it again in FL Studio. I'm leaning towards investing in a PodXT, which sounds best for my needs.

  2. Thanks for the info klm09, interesting stuff. That's given me a much better idea of what I should go for (the PodXT sounds best for my needs out of the three). I'm starting to lean towards the PodXT, as I could use it on more than one computer, or as a mini-practise amp with headphones (rather than hulking the MG30FX around the house whenever I want to practise).

    Also, I've read the headphones/monitors thread, but I was wondering if anybody has some recommendations for some realtively cheap headphones for recording/mixing. Either closed or half-closed is good, as long as they're comfortable after a couple of hours use.

    Thanks again

  3. Yeah, I've read the various arguements about Guitar Suite (mostly from you two :P) but I figure if I don't go for the Pod XT and get a new sound card (which is more likely at the moment) the it would do until I get more serious about recording (I'd probably then invest in a mic setup after I upgraded to a new guitar and amp).

    Any other sound card or amp modeller recommendations? I'd like a broader range of options before I take the plunge.

  4. I just tested the Line In port - there's a constant humming noise in the background. This is both with the amp plugged in and with the guitar plugged directly into the Line In. Would the E-MU 0404 get rid of that, or would that happen anyway?

    I like the sound of the E-MU 0404 slightly more at the moment, but I'd love to hear some more opinions if anyone's willing to share them.

  5. So does Guitar Suite emulate the Amp?

    Also, would I need anything else other than to plug my guitar directly into the Line In (and would I need a better sound card, with SoundFonts and such)?

    Another question (so many :P): I've read good things about the PodXT, would that be another viable option? (Edit: I would be willing to save up the money for it, wouldn't take too long).


  6. I want to record my electric guitar on my PC, but after searching the forums and google, I'm no clearer on exactly what I need. This is the equipment I have:

    Guitar: Washburn Lyon

    Amp: Marshall MG30DFX

    Sound card: Crappy cheap thing (uses C-Media AC97 drivers)

    I'd prefer to plug the guitar into the PC (either directly or through the amp) than using a mic, plus I'm on a relatively low budget.

    I'd like recommendations as to a decent suitable sound card and anything else I may need.


    [Edit: Wrong amp model, it's the MG30DFX, not the MG50DFX. Plus I've added my sound card drivers in]

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