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  1. I gotta say, as a HUGE GIGANTIC LEVEL 2001337 SONIC FAN, when I first heard about Hedgehog Heaven, I was very excited, and I never got tired of hearing it over and over again; in fact, I was satisfied that people took their time to bring tears into my eyes from all the nostalgic feelings from my childhood, which in fact I still feed my Sonic cravings up to today. I never thought another project about Sonic would show up ever again, and I came to visit the OC Website just to get, guess what, a Sonic remix that was metal to be a ringtone for my phone But instead I get what I would call an instant melodic orgasm into my ears when I first found out about this project and immediately snatched a RANDOM track. HH was amazing, but this is legendary, and I haven't heard all of it yet, but I know what to expect, what better Christmas gift? I am very excited about this, although a month late, I hope my words still have some impact on all of the people involved in this project, know that I can't wait for more Sonic projects, it's projects like this one and HH that make me proud as a Sonic fan. Good job, actually, scratch that, good is not enough to describe the quality of this project. 'Nuff said.
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