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Posts posted by Wolfgeist

  1. This is driving me nuts. I have no problem doing this in Live 7, but I switched back to FL since it was a tad easier to use. This is probably going to seem like a really dumb and simple question, but here goes anyways.

    How in the world can I mark and end point for a loop on the piano roll? I just want to do something simple and it keeps making me wait until the 2 second point, which I don't want it to do. Is there a way to mark the end point to where you want it or am I stuck?

  2. Been reading alot of reviews, talking to alot of people, and I finally made the plunge and ordered a M-Audio Axiom 61 from zzounds. They said it wouldn't be in stock until the 18th, then the 16th, then when I ordered it, it shipped the same day. Heres hoping I get it in a couple days, but who knows with military post offices :(

    Can't wait to hook it up and start fiddling.

  3. Been a while since I've asked for advice here, been busy doing 12 hour shifts at work, numerous base exercises, and prepping for deployment. However, I've been on leave and have been talking with a couple of professional artists for advice. The overwhelming majority was to go with software synths for the mjaority of the producing, if not all. Well, after I get back from the big A-stan, I was planning on dropping some cash on different software, but in the meantime, I'm extremely motivated to do something NOW, and I want to learn the basics. Well, when I went up to Hannover for the Funker Vogt concert, we stopped in at Media Markt and saw this:


    for 159,00 Euro. I know it's a very basic, stripped down MIDI Keyboard, but it has full version software included with it, and I figured it would be a nice learning tool. The OTHER option I have, and it's not a pretty one, is to go to the BX and buy what I call the "BX Special", and thats the Casio keyboards they have. So I figured before I spend $200 on either, which would be recommended for the time being. I know i've got a choice between two potential bad options, but bear with me, I've only got 3 months before I get on a C-130, and I'm restless.

    (On a side note, if you get a chance to get the new Funker Vogt "Aviator" album, the special edition has a Bonus DVD which shows how they make some of their music, both hardware and software synths. And recording/editing vocals.)

  4. Yes, I was prepared to go a second hand route right off the bat. A Triton would be nice, but a bit of overkill for a starter. The Roland XP-30 also came advised by others my wife knows, so I'm planning on purchasing a used model for roughly $400 (seems to be the standard price).

    The $1000 was more of a "in total" price, not just for one piece. I'll also be on the lookout for the Nord Lead or Virus now that they're recommended. I've been looking recently at the E-MU 1212m as the interface card, but I'm kinda stuck since this computer is used primarily for gaming, not audio creation. Down the road, I'm thinking about piecing together a new one in the living room, gods willing I don't get deployed sometime in the near future.

    EDIT: Also, I notice the Roland Juno D is brand new for around $530-550 around some shops. Would it be wiser to invest in a new synth than to go the route of a used XP-30 at only a $120 difference or so?

  5. I've been a lurker for sometime on OCR, and have had thoughts about this for awhile now, but I'm finally getting off my ass and trying to do something about it :)

    I want to get started in music mixing and creating. OCR was a big influence on me originally to get started in it, but I'm also interested in creating my own music as well. I'm just lost as to where to get started. I've been looking mainly at Korg's, but I'm not sure what I'm looking at, so I decided to ask the people who would know and help a newb.

    Price isn't that much of a factor, but I'd like to keep it under $1000 for the hardware. My music style is gothic darkwave/industrial/schranz (for examples, check out bands like Grendel, Wumpscut, Suicide Commando, etc) so I know already I'm looking at needing a fairly professional level board and program.

    This is something I've wanted to do for years now, and now I finally have the time and funds to be able to pursue it, so if anyone could give some advice, I'd be greatful. If I missed out anything you need to know to help, let me know :P

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