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Everything posted by skywalker6705
WIndows Vista OS to be officially released Jan 30
skywalker6705 replied to al3xand3r's topic in General Discussion
Way to put a foot in my mouth. Great job. Really. -
If you had only mentioned a dog... damn!
1)The sidebar issue was settled, and it's wasn't just unmod, they were just the most vocal due to the nature of the subforum. But they were wrong, lesson learned. 2)See my previous post on pixie. As I see it (and unless I'm missing some serious behind the scenes info) it wasn't a serious issue with pixie. They were busting her balls like everyone else. Until it resulted in mods coming down on them. Then they got serious. It probably would have died out in a little while, and entered into the mythos otherwise. 3)I won't debate the magfest issue as I wasn't there. It just was hard to swallow that someone with about 1/2 of the the posts in the 4chan thread suddenly got it out for the mods, particularly when many already thought it was pixie behind it. Again, I suspect that animosity from 2) carried over here and made things seem more than they were. Now there *Sits down eagerly listening* Now... tell me of this "forgotten truth" you mention JJT... *Edit* I just wanna highlight these to emphasize that I don't believe it was earnest hate, just popular at the time. But I wasn't a participant, so I can't say for sure. And I hope you can get past it, because you have to if the fomer-unmod is going to. And I doubt they'll do it first.
So in this case it is the end of The Nice Work Guy, Chargin Our Lazers, and laughing at Cock-bee. Bascially nutering out the fun. The proper follow up WAS (after 1 angry comment post): Aside from one or two posts from those leaving, no person actually in discussion had used insults yet. Though a joke, it lacked the funny, and all it did was prompt reactions from others. Bad form Eulogic, you missed the punchline. That does not mean she doesn't have say. People can get banned pretty quickly when a judge raises a stink (even if they weren't aiming for that). I don't think pixie followed unmod much because they attacked her. And she actually took it seriously, not as a joke, because of it's scale. The attacks would've died down, but instead reved up when this later resulted in bans. The issue with was never if her actions or comments this week (or before) were justified. She was ENTIRELY justified in what she says about UnMod, etc. If she were just a poster. But regarding the issues, STAFF are not us. They're supposed to be an example. Concerning site issues at least. I am not inclined to give a rats ass about reasoning, if staff speak as bad the "abusers" when some comments upset them. Not regarding site stuff. Enter the future Off-Topic, and talk shit about me, the n00b from nowhere. We'll flame a bit, shoot the shit, and laugh at the fact that someone was finally able to use the war to come up with a good necrophiliac dog joke.
WIndows Vista OS to be officially released Jan 30
skywalker6705 replied to al3xand3r's topic in General Discussion
No, it retains driver files, and systems files that are compatible with the new update. In addition, the system registry remains, along with installed programs. So registry errors can sometimes occur, and more commonly, incompatibility with old programs is very common. Try upgrading a Windows ME machine to XP. You will find alot of ME errors remain. And there has to be an EXISTING windows install to upgrade from it. So deleting the OS, would just result in you re-installing it again, and then starting from where you just were. Upgrade disks require a previous version be present, hence the "Upgrade" title. Without that present, it will not proceed. *Edit of Truth*: I'm wrong. They don't. -
It served two purposes: A) To amuse unmodders, which it did To amuse themselves. And anyone deterred from entering unmod because of nudity was obviously, and is obviously, a person whom takes the internet to seriously, or is dumb enough to browse it at work.
WIndows Vista OS to be officially released Jan 30
skywalker6705 replied to al3xand3r's topic in General Discussion
Upgradign keeps your previous windows install and adds to it. This in turn can result in more bloat, and sometimes can carry over issues that were causing problems. I always go for a fresh install. That said: Do some research on the Vista DRM before you consider using it. It doesn't allow any true HD movie to be played, under any condition. The best you can get is an upscaled DVD resolution. It's balls. That, and microsoft retains the ability to remotely revoke your drivers. (Say bye bye to all your webcams, mics, and video cards that aren't Microsoft certified for HD content). Also: This OS is causing more expensive video cards, as GeForce card now cannot be built for efficiency, but quite the opposite, they are being built to prevent uber hakz!! Cause everyone knows that how people bootleg videos: by hot wiring their video card. So I have to give vista a big thumbs down from what I've used and seen. Download the Breadcrumbs Toolbar and a few nicer programs to make up for the minimal features added, and style, and then wait on "Windows Appalachian" or whatever their next version/upgrade/release may be. -
Unless it involves Bear maulings or clowns. Then we get popcorn.
Bizzaro World: PS3 Controller Wins Emmy
skywalker6705 replied to Ab56 v2 aka Ash's topic in General Discussion
Also, this is for design, like, circut boards, etc. Not for innovation of neat-o factor. What's rather mundane to veteran gamers still is amazing on a technical level sometimes. -
Thank you for an honest response to this DJP. I know you probably were as irked about it as many of us, and we all knew it had to happen sometime. If he would ever want it, I would be 150% behind The Coop as a mod for the new Off-Topic. He knew what UnMod was about, and could help guide the board. Maybe give him the vbbulliten equivalent of +voice. It's the staff reaction to the removal that made most of us upset. You knew what you were deleting. The staff didn't, and that's why they wanted it gone. It WAS a huge source of trouble for the site, and I know it was probably something that all the mods could have functioned more smoothly without. But I think it's this same aversion to it that kept any one of them from knowing what they wanted to take away, other than spam and trolls. I'm don't want an apology from anyone. I'm not that arrogant. But I don't want to invest my time in a part of the community again if it will be destroyed when it becomes an inconvenience to those that don't even use it. The site needs to somehow give faith to the new members of Off-Topic, and those that left for UnMod.org and those who have left here already, that even IF Off-Topic goes insane, it won't just disappear as well. Otherwise why write in the Epic Story? Why show each other Nice Work, if it's only garbage to the mods? I hope the next time I may unknowingly irk a staff member, or accidentally double post, etc., it doesn't result in one of the aggressive bans that have been occurring after this incident. Even if some of these users were under alts, or were unmodders, why does it matter if the content of their posts was sound? If they were starting shit, fine, but I was doing no such thing. And I was quite rudely shut down. I know I'm not the only one that was caught un-fairly under a ban. The mods need a little more patience with us former UnModders. And on an incredibly more minor note: I lost almost ALL my posts when the deletion occurred, so I know I look more n00bish than anyone.
As a sidenote while it's on my mind, Beatdown is still without net, so the ip crossover may continue a while. He occasionally steals our mutual friend's laptop, and goes to site upstairs in the freezing ass cold to surf the web a bit. Thus why his IP association changes.
1) "as moderated" Please tell me that eventually the mods will begin using the time limit feature included in their ability to ban. Because trolling, spamming, etc. on a first offense isn't ban worthy in my opinion. I'm going to reference SA here, so forgive me, but people there get probation that can last anywhere from hours to weeks to eternity. If you match the time to the crime, people will shape up I feel. Because it's nice to KEEP your account you put all that effort into. 2) Oh pwease tell me I can keep da pr0nz!! Quick edit: Beatdown has posted from my house a number of times. I'm sure everyone should be familiar with the fact he has no internet. Think of me as the gatekeeper, I drag him over, and then he floods out. The amount of DVDs I've burnt bringing over bootleg games, etc. cause he can't get them is staggering. I'm fairly certain he's mentioned that he was posting from a friends house many times.... or at least a few.
One of this sites main goals was to expose artists music to new listeners and audiences. And unmod helped that. Here's how: I had Firefox tabs open to 3 unmod threads, for a total of 6 months. Unmod brought traffic. And yea, some didn't download, ALOT did. So did many lurkers like myself. I was entertained, and people return for that frequently. If you expect this site to be uber-serious and still have even remotely the exposure it has now, you're quite mistaken. If this site continues to wave the banhammer at anyone who speaks up, and to disregard humor as worthwhile, then it will be left full of boring posts like Gamefaqs, and we'll all know just how badly Goku can beat anyone. Just to note as well: the humor here was far-reaching. The Chargin' Mah Lazer meme was started in large part here, and I honestly think it would have not happened without UnMod, among others. DJP, mods, you made the collective internet laugh. It's sad to say that yesterday was the first time in months that OCRemix left my tabs. There simply weren't any threads of worth to look at. I don't eargerly refresh each day to see which unknown remix has been posted. I refresh for my friends, and my jokes. And they make me want to see the music that comes out of this site. Edit: I understand the need for unmod to grow up with the site, but it's the attitude over the past week or two that's making OCR unappealing. I don't feel wanted here, at all. I was banned yesterday and slandered as a "poorly disgused" alt account. Look up the posts on that if you like, but long story short, no, it was the site's fault for not sending my registration link 4 months ago. And the mods not doing anything afterwards.
Quoted for truth. He was a great guy for what I knew of him.