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Posts posted by keantoken

  1. Sorry if I'm coming off as a little harsh. I know this is your first attempt, but you should know this stuff now so you don't find it out later the hard way.

    Don't worry. It doesn't seem very harsh at all to me. In my opinion, this is just friendly advice and I thank you. I have had to learn the hard way before.

    About getting another sequencer, I'm looking into Cubase SX. May take awhile to get it, though...

    - keantoken

  2. I finally got Anvil Studio to work decently, and was also able to record the MIDI to OGG. I had no way of converting to MP3, so WYSIWYG. I had no choice after experiencing firsthand the destruction of my song when played by other computers :( . But now, it shouldn't sound so painfully shrill for those without a SBAWE64 Gold soundcard (old, yes, but very good).

    Sorry about my strange formal style in my posts, but this is how I usually write when I don't exactly know the crowd that I'm dealing with.

    The remix isn't really a true remix... But it might become one if I throw in some recognizable things at the end. It is still not complete, though. Here is the link:


    Enjoy! Please do not hesitate to give me feedback, as my only reason for hoping others may like this remix is that my friends absolutely love it.

    - keantoken

  3. I regretfully inform that I cannot continue this remix until the makers of Anvil Studio produce a major bug fix which I suppose will happen next year. Until then I will refuse to eat, sleep, or even think. My brother is threatening to do it instead of me (I wish him luck).

    Let me also inform you that I do not have the financial background to get me the $400 Acid Sequencer. Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome. If you know of any other free MIDI sequencers, or if you know how to compile Jazz++ with WxWidgets, please do not hesitate to post. Thanks in advance for any inspiration,

    - keantoken

  4. Hello, all

    I started on this remix about 4 or 5:00 yesterday and surprised myself greatly.

    To tell the truth, this is my first attempt at a remix, and a complete song. I have to credit most of my inspiration from my brother whom I have to scream at over his MIDI synth so he'll turn it down. I have only tried to work a real synth maybe ten or so times and I guess my only form of prior remixing knowledge came from what I have heard from this site and what my brother has not decided to stop repeating. This is MIDI, a format which I formerly thought incapable of supplying sufficient bass for a really nice remix. I proved myself wrong. Please give me your opinions on if it is good enough for OCRemix!

    It is not quite complete, but it will be soon. I added a whole part that wasn't in the original song and took out the (i guess?) main theme. The original comes with the Organya View music player for CaveStory, which can be found here:


    Check out the game as well - you won't be disappointed!

    Here is my remix:


    Thanks in advance,

    - keantoken

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