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  1. Big thanks goes out to Geoffrey Taucer! Sorry about the money thing, just wanted some way of showing a little appreciation. I just donated to the site instead.
  2. Ya I would really like to keep it open for anyone in the community to answer. I thought it would be kind of cool to interview the community as a whole. I did ask my professor about that, she doesn't want it done like that. Alright sorry, thanks for the advice.
  3. Hey, I have this English assignment where I first have to write about some sort of media, then interview someone about that media and write another essay for that. Well, as I turned on Amarok to listen to music that i have got here. I thought that video game music and video game remixing would be a perfect idea for the media sample essay and I'm sure I can get someone here to do the interview. I think my interview essay is going to be about how one goes about remixing video game music. However, the interview questions will be about all things that might relate to remixing. Anyone willing to help me out? Can you PM me and give me your email address or I'll give you mine first if you rather do that. Then I'll email you the questions. I'll probably send you $25, through paypal if you have an account. Just as a thank you for the time. Along with a thank you for all the great remixing you guys do! Thanks -Nick
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